"Special" chinchilla..:D

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
Johnson City, TN
So, I have this chinchilla, named Zeus, and well, all he does ALL day is turn flips and climb the walls. He literally turns backflips from the top level to the bottom, never falls or hurts him self. He also chases his tail, not chewing, just chasing. He's a pink white.

My other white's are odd too, one of them falls asleep wherever within seconds, the other always sprays me, and the other will be calm and then all of a sudden freak out.

Is it a color thing? Is it normal for him to do flips?!
HAHAHAHAHA. My first question to you was going to be if he was a white, then I saw that you mentioned it.

Whites aall have an insane gene. I have no idea why, but every kooky chin I have seen just happens to be a white. My one pink white jumps from his shelf to the top of his wheel and runs on the outside of it like a treadmill. When he's done just literally slides down the side of the wheel to the bottom of the cage...

Yeah, they all have issues.

Edit: Yes, it's normal for him to do flips. I have seen a few chinchillas who do this for whatever unknown reason.
Hah! That's hilarious that he's a pink white, I was going to ask.

My pink white Taro does the same thing. When I had him in his quarantine cage when he was a baby, he did backflips all day. He's an odd little fuzzball.
Every white I've owned, or have met, has little quirks. Even my incredibly friendly white Roxas, is a little crazy, though not near as bad as Riku. :p
Whites aall have an insane gene. I have no idea why, but every kooky chin I have seen just happens to be a white. My one pink white jumps from his shelf to the top of his wheel and runs on the outside of it like a treadmill. When he's done just literally slides down the side of the wheel to the bottom of the cage...

That's great :p Crazy cracker chins :D A treadmill? Haha that sounds hilarious, I want to see a vid :LOL:

My crazy pink white did it too before I got him a flying saucer, and I have a vid. ;)

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Ha! That's exactly what mine does except I don't have the shelves there. Maybe I should add a few more so he doesn't do the slide at the end. lol
i have a mosaic and he loves to climb up his cage walls then fall into his hammock. he even hangs almost completely upside down!
I have a .. I don't know what kind she is. She is just sweet. Anyhoo- she climbs up the cage and down the cage - along the outside. Climb up on the wall - sit on the top. Rinse and repeat. Survey the best escape route and sneak from there.
wow, i thought i just had a "special" chin... she does the same things everybody here is describing... and she's white! good to know all whites are just oddballs!