Southern ECBC Unit Field Day 2011

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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This is Tuesday and the show is Saturday. Just had a look at weather channel's page for the 10 day forecast. Icy conditions today and nothing listed until Saturday. Saturday listed a 10% chance of precip. I'm thinking the roads should be in good shape by travel time Friday as I have planned on staying at the hotel. Be safe and see you all there!

I can also help anyone out with grooming when I am done with my animals. And anyone who was thinking of sitting in on the show without animals......please come. Shows are a wonderful event to meet people, talk chin and see how judging works and witness the volunteer energy that makes a show. This is also a claim show to perhaps buy animals if you were interested.
So I will definitely be making it, and hopefully by 6:30 :) Unfortunately, the chin I really wanted to show got furchewed by a cage mate (I cried :() I will probably only have 4 or 5 and maybe one for the baby derby. If anyone would be willing to help me groom, that'd be wonderful! I'd love to know in advance. Also, I will be looking for a violet, so please someone bring one for sale xD
Just got back from getting my gorgeous dahlings from home - should be there around 7:30am, that is, if I can indeed drag my butt out of bed at 3am...this is going to be mildly painful!
I have a question, if someone could answer it that'd be great. I have a 7 month old female chinchilla that i'd like to use for breeding eventually. I really want to get her evaluated, but she was fur chewed last night by the cage mate (neither one show signs of chewing, but I know it was the cagemate because she couldn't reach it. It isn't terrible, but definitely noticable. Should I show her anyway?
I agree with Ann as Ralph can give you a good opinion of her after the show. That way he will know what happened.
We had 33 standards and 41 mutations. Here are the results. I will post photos soon.

Congratulations to everybody!! Hate I couldn't make the show but Mom was sick and needed me home.Looks like there were some gorgeous chins there!!!:thumbsup:
Great pictures :) NEED MORE THOUGH. This show was so fun! (and not because I won a lot LOL)

I really appreciate all of the help I got from Kayla and Mandy <3 Everyone was so friendly!
Thanks! We've been working really hard with our small numbers! I'm still on Cloud 9! I've got all the ribbons and rosettes spread out on my coffee table right now!

(And how did I end up in so many pictures!? I need to pay attention more!)