Hooked on Hogs
She is adorable.
She's adorable. You will find that digital cameras are an absolute god send when it comes to photographing hedgehogs. You'll take many many images and may get one half way decent one. I had many many rolls of film developed (pre-digi cam days) where my photographs were either of a blurry hedgehog, a hedgehog bum or those I titled "there was a hedgehog there once." I still wonder if the developer ever wonder why I took so many closeup images of my carpet.
yay! I have Cinnabun using a water dish, and she didn't seem to have any issues with the transition at all, so the water bottle is now gone. She also promptly re-arranged her cage and decided that the wheel was for squeezing under in a belly crawl... I haven't actually seen her use it to run in yet lol