Something doesn't seem right...

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One of my chins seems to have sight issues.. He undershoots his jumps to ledges, runs into inanimate objects.. I thought he was just REALLY REALLY clumsy... But when the cage door doesn't move ever and he runs into it every time, I have to think he can't see that well.:hmm:
I have a girl with cateracts. I just try to keep her in the same cage so if her sight is off she still knows the cage. But when I do have to switch her, I try to keep all the water bottles in the same spot in each cage.
Cabbaltaz - By the way you described them, they sound like the same ramps, but in the picture the clasps holding on the ramps don't look to be the same as what I have and aren't compatable with the shelves. I have a Super Pet cage (which in most cases I would NEVER use, but she's lived in this cage all her life with no problems, and she can't jump, so i'm not too worried)
This is a good picture of what kind of ramps I have, if you think your will work, that would be excellent, what are you looking to trade?
(this isn't the cage I have her in, it just gives you the best view of the ramps)
I tried to find somewhere on this site to purchase some new ramps and clips, but it says discontinued under all the cages, and I can't seem to find much else.

everyone else - I did some of the blind tests that you all suggested, and she's had no reactions to any of them =/ It would make a lot of sense if she was blind though, or just had very poor vision. I also rearranged her cage a little bit, and she was moving VERY slowly around at first, sniffing her way everywhere. But after a few hours she was waddling around as normal. At least she adjusts quickly.

I feel so stupid for not realizing she's a beige. haha. She looks nothing like my standards. I guess I just never thought about it, I didn't know much about chin colors when I got her, so I just went with what the owner told me, and it's just kind of stuck. I just can't beleive I didn't realize she's a beige, espcially after all the heavy color researching I did when I got into breeding. =/

Does anyone know where I could find her some ramps that would work? or have any ideas on how to modify her ramps to stay attatched to her cage without the clips? I'm really at a loss as to what to do.

Also, she had a comfort wheel when I got her, but the part that held the actual wheel onto the part that clips it to the cage was broken, so It would just fall right off almost as soon as she stepped onto it.
Could you heat up an ice pick to a very high temp and stick it thru the plastic (heat will melt plastic) to make say...2 or 3 holes about a centimeter from the edges of both the ramp and the shelf (total 4 or 6 holes). Then use binder rings to fasten the ramps to the shelf? OR how about just replacing the plastic shelves with wood and then using flattened out L brackets underneath to fasten a wooden ramp (using 1/2 round) for "steps".
I don't think she'd do to well with wooden shelves, because she rolls and falls a lot, and the gripped edges of her shelves are the only thing that keep her from falling all the way off. It's mostly when she's TRYING to be active, she just can't =(
What about a pet playpen? Maybe use a linoleum remnant for the floor. Since she won't hop out and it would have a large floor space.