Before I got my chin.. I read a lot of books. To try and keep it simple I'll put my more important findings in a list.. IM sure the others will chime in as to advice beyond that.
Importance of thy Chins:
Food and Water: Watch home much they each and give them fresh pellets and hey each day. That way its fresh and not stale.
If they aren't eating their normal amount of food then something could be wrong

. For an idea on what one chin eats .. mine gets 3 tablespoons of pellets and a handful of hey. He usually will eat all of it.. and if not he leaves very little. They hey he just makes a mess with it so hard to tell with that.
Temperature: Chins have 80 hairs to our 1 hair

.. meaning their fur is like a fur coat.. only 24/7. So when it comes to temps its VERY important to make sure the range never EVER gets above 75.. I try to keep mine within 70 and below

. All I have to say is thank god its winter in MA. In the summer I have to plug in an A/C unit to keep the room cold for him.
Emotional attachment and schedule:
Chins are very organized creatures

. They like to be fed at the same time each day and played with at the same time each day. If you change their daily habits it can lead to problems. Because they are so dependent on social aspects of living. I have a single Chin. So he is constantly looking for me. With two maybe its not so drastic. But that's my findings with Povel. Meaning, if you move their cage? take away a littler mate for years. They will become depressed or even start to chew their fur? I guess even the other parts of the animal kingdom have self modulation.