hi all, this is my first time
1. using a thread....yea im lame...guess noone uses chat rooms anymore
2.owning a chin..
I had done a lot of research before i brought my chins home, being that my bf told me i could have one for christmas...however im worried i still fell into the first time owner no nos...
1. I bought my chins from pet smart... I had visited several times watching and looking at them to see their personalities...I had only planned on getting one however i was so worried that it would get depressed without one of its cage mates that i bought two. I have a plenty big enough cage, my bf spent two hours there putting the perfect cage together. One of the chins at the store was very docile, and sweet, he was so cute. He had only been there for two weeks. My other was very intergetic and all over the cage, but also very sweet. Ive had them here now since sat. wich makes it 4 days. My docile one now seems sick. he seems slugish and sleeps a lot, and the other is now not so intergetic. i know they are nocturnal so during the day that doesnt bother me so much but it is now 1 am and they were only active for about an hour today.
should i wait to see if they perk up? are they sick? I dont want to take them back...they did play a little today and they are eating the tim hay i give them... im worried?
can anyone give me some insite?
1. using a thread....yea im lame...guess noone uses chat rooms anymore
2.owning a chin..
I had done a lot of research before i brought my chins home, being that my bf told me i could have one for christmas...however im worried i still fell into the first time owner no nos...
1. I bought my chins from pet smart... I had visited several times watching and looking at them to see their personalities...I had only planned on getting one however i was so worried that it would get depressed without one of its cage mates that i bought two. I have a plenty big enough cage, my bf spent two hours there putting the perfect cage together. One of the chins at the store was very docile, and sweet, he was so cute. He had only been there for two weeks. My other was very intergetic and all over the cage, but also very sweet. Ive had them here now since sat. wich makes it 4 days. My docile one now seems sick. he seems slugish and sleeps a lot, and the other is now not so intergetic. i know they are nocturnal so during the day that doesnt bother me so much but it is now 1 am and they were only active for about an hour today.
should i wait to see if they perk up? are they sick? I dont want to take them back...they did play a little today and they are eating the tim hay i give them... im worried?
can anyone give me some insite?