someone please help

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hi all, this is my first time
1. using a thread....yea im lame...guess noone uses chat rooms anymore
2.owning a chin..
I had done a lot of research before i brought my chins home, being that my bf told me i could have one for christmas...however im worried i still fell into the first time owner no nos...
1. I bought my chins from pet smart... I had visited several times watching and looking at them to see their personalities...I had only planned on getting one however i was so worried that it would get depressed without one of its cage mates that i bought two. I have a plenty big enough cage, my bf spent two hours there putting the perfect cage together. One of the chins at the store was very docile, and sweet, he was so cute. He had only been there for two weeks. My other was very intergetic and all over the cage, but also very sweet. Ive had them here now since sat. wich makes it 4 days. My docile one now seems sick. he seems slugish and sleeps a lot, and the other is now not so intergetic. i know they are nocturnal so during the day that doesnt bother me so much but it is now 1 am and they were only active for about an hour today.
should i wait to see if they perk up? are they sick? I dont want to take them back...they did play a little today and they are eating the tim hay i give them... im worried?
can anyone give me some insite?
If the chins seem lethargic they should see a vet since they are new and you are not sure of their health. Chins do go down fast, so IMO rather than wait to see if they perk up a vet visit is a good idea-even if it turns out to be nothing.
There are many possibilities to why your chins might be acting this way.
It can take a while for chins to adjust to their new surroundings so you may just need a few more days to let them adjust. Where is their cage located?
Are they eating/drinking normally, and what are you feeding them (besides the hay mentioned above)? What kinds of toys do you have for them? And what is their cage made of? If they are chewing on anything in the cage that may not be healthy/safe for them this could cause a problem.
Do you have a vet lined up so you can take them if needed?
Also chins are generally most active during twilight hours- they aren't truly nocturnal.
If a chin is lethargic, they need to see a vet with chinchilla experience. Many regular vets do not have the knowledge to deal with chins. They hide illness very well, so if they are to the point of being lethargic, I wouldn't take a chance. The decline in energy concerns me.
Take them to see a vet. Lethargy in a chin is deadly. If it ends up being nothing, you're only out the cost of a vet visit.
well no nai is now jumping around the cage. the cage is a huge parot cage in which i have hammocks, and perches and things for them to climb in and out of... but now ive noticed that no nai is barbering the docile one and seems to not want him in the hide. I think i might have to take the lathargic one back...but i dont want to...his stool was ok but this morining i noticed that it was a little runny...not good...they were cage mates at the store, but now im wondering if he is being like that b/c he was being feeding them the tim hay and nutriphas chin formula. both seem to be eating ok although i noticed that they both drank more water in the last day than they have since i brought them home.
should i take one back? if so which one?
does barbering stop?

also the temp in my apt is comfortable to me with a sweater on.. id say around 70.
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Just because your comfortable, doesnt mean they are not. I would get a thermometer and make sure it isnt over about 72 at the most.
noted....taking my docile one to the worried...
I would recommend that you get some other food too. Something like Oxbow, or Mazuri. There are a lot of people on her who could recommend these and some other foods!
I know that when my house gets above 72, my chin will start acting tired and lethargic but once I regulate the temp, she is fine.

Hopefully it will turn out to be nothing more than a stress issue due to an environmental change. Good Luck and Keep us posted on how they are doing!
I also second the feed change. I believe you can find Mazuri at Petsmart and maybe Oxbow too. Other types are feed are Tradition, PANR, and Penpals.
I personally use PANR and my chinchillas thrive on it.
Good luck at the vets and keep us updated!
just talked to the vet about T, they are keeping him for observation, they treated him with a blanket antibiotic and want to watch him over the weekend. they said he is active today and looks like he is doing well. NO Nai is alert and happy. and has started coming to his cage to see what im doing. and will now sit in the palm of my hand a nibble my fingers.
this posses another question...when i bring T back, will they still get a long? I know that when my gerbil was seperated from his cage mate for just a day he wanted no part of having him in his cage do i go about reintroducing them?
It usually is not an issue unless they have been separated for a very long periode. But keeping a watch when putting them back together is never a bad idea.:)
You also want to make sure you know what exactly is wrong with the other one and if it's communicable before you put him back in with No Nai. If you notice ANY changes in No Nai's activity level, eating or drinking habits, or poos, I would not hesitate to bring him to the vet as well. As stated before, chins hide illness well and go down hill quicker than you can imagine.

Are you certain that the vet you took T to is chin knowledgeable? Many will treat them like other small animals and they are NOT like other small animals.

Good luck with them, and keep us posted.
well the vet said he was, i am new to this area so i would hope that the vet is sincere...i would like to hope that if he is keeping T over the weekend that he is making sure he is ok... is it not wise to trust a vet?
also, he was No Nais cage mate for two weeks before i bought them..wouldnt No Nai be sick too if it were communicable.. I would think so???
sometimes - I lost three kits to pneumonia and the fourth living with them was fine and never got as sick as they did. I would just be extra observant and if you notice No Nai acting weird I would be off to the vet.