Some cops should't be cops

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2012
Orange County, NY
This is something that happened to me just the other day.

I was with 2 of my friends at the trailer park that they live in just sitting in my car by the park. We were just talking having a nice time not bothering anyone. After maybe an hour 2 cops pull up behind us.

Now the cop that talked to my friend on the passenger side was good, he was asking what was going on and making sure nothing illegal was happening, talking with respect and just being a good person about it.

The cop that came to my window was a total *** though. apparently they got a call that we were flashing the brights at people and houses which not only didn't happen from us but didn't happen at all from anyone. So when the cop came to my window, blinding me with his flashlight, I asked what was wrong he said that and I told him it didn't happen and I was sorry. He asked for my ID and papers so I gave him everything but I told him we just moved and I don't know my new address so he stood there calling me stupid for not knowing and saying I need to be put in special ed classes. so I told him we weren't doing anything and we would move somewhere else if its going to be a problem and he starts saying he is going to make me walk home because he is going to impound my car. I asked him why he would do that and he tells me I am on private property. Its the trailer park and I was with my friends who live there in a spot that wasn't on anyone's lawn or anything and I made sure were weren't so people wouldn't get mad. I wanted to tell this guy off unlike him I respect people and I believe everyone deserves respect.

Cops wonder why people aren't happy to see them all the time and that't there reason. cops with no respect thinking they own the place give them a bad name.

I am not trying to talk bad about this guy or anything which is why I am not giving out his name or number or anything, I just think in general cops should give people respect because a lot of them don't and I feel it should be a mandatory thing to be a cop to have respect for people.
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I had a cop do the same sort of thing to me a few weeks ago. He pulled me over because supposedly he couldn't see my license place. He called me stupid and acted like a jerk. I asked him to please tell me the law I had broken, he didn't do that or give me his card or his name or anything. He just held us up for 20 minutes on the side of the road in the pitch black dark with his flashlight in my face. I was driving home for heaven sake at 10 miles under the speed limit. He wouldn't give me a citation, I told him that I would be happy to go to court and talk to a judge. (I say this quite a bit because I tend to get pulled over for nothing out here in the boonies.)

Some cops should get in a lot of trouble for the way that they treat people or even just wasting peoples' time when they decide that they want to hassle someone. It isn't fair, and I can totally sympathize.

Once we were out in my car in front of Sears eating Dairy Queen and talking about which washer and dryer set we'd like. The lights were off and a police officer came tearing around the corner and turned his lights on, jumped out and had his flashlight in my face. Mind you, this was a lit parking lot at 7:30 in the evening. Boy was he surprised when he saw us eating from our little DQ cups. "Oh, you're out here just eating your ice cream?"

Yeah....they do need to have respect for people. But, then again the way people are nowadays no one has respect for anyone.
I had a cop do the same sort of thing to me a few weeks ago. He pulled me over because supposedly he couldn't see my license place. He called me stupid and acted like a jerk. I asked him to please tell me the law I had broken, he didn't do that or give me...

I am going to bring my little hidden camera with me for now on (I do magic so its good to have a camera anyway) so if a cop stops me for something stupid or is just a total *** for no reason I can get in on camera.

and that DQ one is one you can laugh about so that's good xD I want funny stories like that. Once I can go to clubs and bars and stuff I should get some funny magic stories.
Cops get trashed ALL the time by scumbags, they can't do anything right, who in their right mind would want to do that crappy job. Give them a break.
Cops get trashed ALL the time by scumbags, they can't do anything right, who in their right mind would want to do that crappy job. Give them a break.

They are disrespectful to everyone for no reason at all. I'm not saying all cops though. I have nothing againsed the police I just think they should all show some respect
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