so....not allowed to have pets

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Well, I lived in a smaller town, and it was exactly what you said. The owners' rules were different for our next door neighbor than they were for us. And I didn't care. I was happy until the new management came in.
Regarding changing the rules and different rules for different apartments within the complex: it depends who owns it. If it's a management company, they're less likely to have different sets of rules for different apartments, and they're less likely to change the rules mid-lease. If it's a private owner, I've seen more than a few that allow this tenant to do thisthisandthis, but not allow other tenants to do the same things. You can't assume all complexes follow the same protocol for rules or have the same terms in their leases.

That said - if the lease which you have signed and are currently under has no mention of a pet policy, whether for or against, I think you would have a tough time arguing it in court, especially since you stated you knew of the rule before getting the pet.
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Wouldn't it then be her responsibility to ensure what regulations she is to follow? And it sounds as though the new manager is trying to ensure everyone follows the same set of regulations and terms.
Not necessarily. Legally, you and your apartment complex are both bound by the lease. That is all a court of law can look at. If the complex wants to enforce rules, it is their responsibility to make the tenants aware of them. They can only legally enforce a rule if it is in the lease, or in the case of changed rules, an addendum to the lease is signed - unless it states in the original lease that rules can change at any time and it is the tenants responsibility to keep up with them, or something like that...
I wanted to point out if you HAVENT signed a paper saying pets are not allowed and your lease YOU signed does NOT say pets are not allowed. You should bring it up to your leasing facility.
They can not change your contract without your permission (inless its stated in your original lease that they have the right to change items at any given time as long as they give you written conformation). Now if they sent out a paper to you saying they are changing the rules I believe you must sign the contract stating you were aware of this new change.(inless the above)

On the flip side... I read your first part knowing what was coming. This is why my rescue will not adopt out to someone who can not give me written permission from their landlord/rental facility saying they are allowed to have a German Shepherd.

I hope you arent caught... if you are I hope you are able to find him a great home or you are willing to move with him. I always hunt for months finding places that allow all my pets. Its SUPER hard but worth it. I normally have to sacrific on what I want to get them allowed in.

I agree with the taking out of toys/wheels and hide the cage maybe be there when they are there... play music and sit infront of the closet and do hw or whatever?

It's sad how many younger people and adults get pets and then have to get rid of them a few weeks... months later bc they knew pets were not allowed and they still bought them.

i know the situation is a mess. we were allowed pets before the hurricane hit. that was the lease i signed. when the new management came in, she changed the leases from then on out but the previous leases still remained the same. one of my roommates had a rabbit and everything was ok because she was on the old lease (that roommate moved to a house a month ago). but the management is treating everyone under the new leases regardless of which ones they signed. when i say i knew that pets werent allowed, i meant under the new lease. i didnt think this would affect my lease though.
yesterday i found out it did.
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I wanted to point out if you HAVENT signed a paper saying pets are not allowed and your lease YOU signed does NOT say pets are not allowed. You should bring it up to your leasing facility.
They can not change your contract without your permission (inless its stated in your original lease that they have the right to change items at any given time as long as they give you written conformation).

I second this. I would bring it up to management or whoever you have to, to either get acceptance for having a caged pet, or i'm pretty sure you can "break" that contract IF they changed it without your permission and you never signed a new one with the new rules, and tell them you're going somewhere else and get your deposit back, if you can, if that's possible.

Good luck!
Most pet friendly places still require you to get approval and pay a deposit before bringing in a pet so, you might want to read over your lease again. Our pets were written into the lease so, if you added any they would know. If you really didn't have any pet restrictions then you could fight it but, they will probably just require you to sign a new lease under the new management/rules.

We had to sign a new lease when they upped our rent and when they changed the pet rules. You could either accept the change or move out. Too many irresponsible pet owners in the complex caused them to stop allowing new pets in and to charge existing pet owners $50 a month "pet rent".

BTW, yes, they can legally enter your apartment when you are not there as long as they have provided notice or if it is an emergency.