Guss is in the hallway alcove and Rhino is in the adjoining bedroom. there is a closed door separating them so yes they are in separate rooms/areas, and i've been doing a surgeon's hand wash between checking in on/visiting with either chin, regardless if i'm actually touching cages/food/etc or not. i had to do it this way so that i could ensure my only air conditioner would keep them both cool (even with the bedroom door closed, the hallway stays below 72). we had a past week of 30 degree (celsius) weather during the day and i wasn't sure if that would continue on, so i had to do it that way. now that the weather is cooler (got down to only plus 4 celsius last night! frost on the dandelions this morning!), i may move Guss out of the hall alcove and put him in the living room, and crack the patio door to keep things cool.