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Aug 7, 2012
I let my chin out for playtime today and he started making a weird squeaking sound and bringing his paws to his mouth as though he was choking on something. I examined his mouth and he seemed to be okay and started running around again. He continues repeating the behavior every now and then as he runs around. I know he's not choking because he happily accepted a treat from me. So could it be possible he's simple sneezing? Is this normal behavior, or could it be a cold or something?
I have one girl who sneezes more than my other girl, but they defintinely sound like sneezes (little teeny sneezes) and I'm not sure about the paws to the mouth.

Would definitely keep an eye out in case its something else.
Sneezing can be a bad sign. Maybe of a URI. Those are deadly and can kill chinchillas quickly. I don't mean to scare you, I just had one of mine pass away and he also sneezed. Then other symptoms appeared.