Silly Sleeping Positions?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Chloe likes to sleep flat on her tummy on her heating pad. I was just wondering if this is normal?
the first time i really nocticed it was about 3 days ago.
and when shes's tired she lays flat n her belly on her wheel.
I put some pics up.
shes so funny.


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My lil guy does that but only if he is on my lap under a blanket
Yup Completely normal! Aero used to do that all the time! I think they are trying to get all warm and toasty all over.
Perfectly normal. This is Kismet's idea of a perfect sleeping position:

awh :) Kismet is adorable :) && chloee has slept like that also. shes so funny to watch.
This is just wonderful!! My Felicity is a traditional ball sleeper, but Sally Snert, my baby, will sometimes sleep on her back propped against Felicity, little pig hind leg delicately extended.

And I see I share a name with your pug...:)
Dexter sleeps under his litter pan sometimes, against the wheel. That's a strange one to me. Here's how he was sleeping last night - blurry picture, since it was dark, but the flash didn't even wake him!



Aw thats so adorable! i love hedgies :) they make my heart smile =]
Aww...Luna sleeps in the weirdest positions sometimes too! I love it!
I love the silly sleeping positions. I have to click the camera pretty fast to capture them though as Kipper does not like to be seen in vulnerable (embarrassing) positions.



I'm sure he'll be ecstatic to know I'm sharing these pics with the forum.
Lol, Thats so neat! id love to see a pic of them :)

Yes, if I can capture it, it will make a great pic! I am not skilled with my camera yet, and Miss Snert seems to do this when they are sleeping in the igloo.

But I will try!

The igloo is a necessity because of Miss Annabelle, my part Maine Coon, who just really wants to dab her paws on the hedgies.:impatient:
My dog lays around the same way, April, and the vet said it means he's totally comfortable in his surroundings. Winston is always on his stomach, balled up. He's no fun at all

I am sorry but I just LOVE the name Sally Snert - that is just too dang cute!!!!! you should write a children's story about Sally Snert!

Love all the hedgie pics

Hedgies make my heart smile too - is anything they do NOT cute?
Charlie, you'd be surprised at how comfortable it is to sleep with your head under the covers. I personally do it, though I only do it for naps and with a loose weave blanket since you feel a bit stuffy after about an hour. The fact that a hedgehog does it just makes me smile. And a smile this big hurts my cheeks.
haha heres a pic of my bella a couple days before she gave birth to 3 babies a while back. she was too big to curl up completely!

heres another one... nose stuck rite out the side of the cage!!
These are a couple funny sleep pictures of Trixie. I need to get a picture of her newest position..she sits in her wheel, with her nose touching the back of the wheel, and has a nice sleep.

