My lil chin (named Gus) gave me a scare about 3 months ago. I had had him for about 2 weeks at that point and he was starting to settle in. I gave him a few treats (i have a bunch of organic treats like goji berries, Hibiscus, Jasmine buds, etc.). I probably only gave him a 2-4 across that week. Now, he was quite new at the time. Within a few days he started having softer poops and then started having super small ones. We took him into the vet to make sure everything was fine (he had a past with Giardia) , and he suddenly started pooping fine at the vet. He has been perfect ever since. But now I want to start training him and I also just want a reward on hand. Is it fine to slowly start trying treats again? This would obviously be super slow, since they are supposed to have treats sparingly anyway, but just want to make sure it’s okay