Shop Vac

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I have the 18 gallon version of that one, and it is awesome. It's much quieter than my old shop vac, it has a ton more suction. A little one like you linked to wouldn't do me much good, but I love the bigger one.
I have the 12 gallon version and absolutely love it! I don't know what I would do without my shop vac. I'm actually thinking about getting a larger one. But for your 3 chins, I think a small 6 gallon will be just fine. I promise it will be one of the best investments for your chins.
I LOVE my shop vacit - it's great for everything and sucks up the hay no problem!!

Wow - 109 for a shop vac!!?!? I spent less than 60 for ours and got it at Walmart.

Personally - I didn't like the one that used a bag inside of it - and found it clogged. I also didn't like the smaller hose - that clogged with hay too. I liked the tried and true into the big drum and open and dump method myself, with the big wide hose, but that's just my preference.
Mine was $109.00 and it was the 18 gallon. Maybe you are paying for the cuteness of it? :)
I have the contractor grade 20 gallon shop vac. I had a smaller one 5 years ago (a six gallon) and hay clogged it. This new one is very quiet compared to the older models. I paid $150 when it was on sale at Lowe's.

The 20 gallon has excellent suction for hay and light objects. The best way to get long hay to go down is suck more up. I clean all of my cages with it, I can get 16 cages in before I have to dump, which is an absolute pain in the arss.

However it blows as an actual contractor piece of equipment as it can't pick up screws or small metal items, even penny nails.
i have a super tiny one- 4 gallon. I use it every few days to suction out dirty bedding and once a week to do the entire cage. It fills up quickly but it suctions great. I love it.
I use one for the whole house (I am all on one floor, so no lugging it up and down stairs). I like the fact that mine is not obnoxiously noisy, and the hose is long enough so I can vacumn around Trixie's cage without having the noise right up by her cage. Less stress for her.
One important thing I have is best to have an extra filter, and keep the one in the machine really clean. And empty it a lot. Since I have her dust bath in her playroom..there is a lot of dust all over the room. Can clog the filter quickly, so I clean out the filter often.
My mom works at Rexair so we have a rainbow but it was such a pain to drag out if I wanted to vaccum around the FN cage everyday so I bought a Bissell upright vaccum. It was only $50 and the two filters can be washed and those were to two main reasons why I got it. It was lightweight and very quick to drag out when it is time to change the liners. I use the vaccum to get most of the poop and hay on the floor but I use the nozzle for inside the cage on the liners. Pheonix and Sedona don't seem to mind the vaccum and they are used it since they know its cleaning night. Sedona has a long ledge that she just moves from one side to the other when I vaccum the poop off the ledge. Phoenix just sits on her ledge and watches. I haven't add a problem so far with it clogging but after I vaccum up some big chunks of hay I will place my hand completely over the attachment so that it can suck everything that is in the tube in the filter. Then when I'm done I just remove the plastic storage bin with the debris and throwing it in the trash and wash the filters and the bin by hand in the sink and let air dry overnight and it's good as new the next day.

I bought it at Walmart it is blue. Here's the link:

It's not a shop vac but I like it.
I have a super tiny one too, it's about a 3 or 4 gallon. Hay's really bad about clogging it up, and I have to empty this one out at least three times before I'm through with Chinzilla's cage. I'm thinking about shopping for a MUCH larger one. But I do agree that a shop vac is much more useful for cleaning up after chins - the bedding and especially the hay spell certain death for a regular household vacuum cleaner.
My shop vac is small, but I have a major problem with hay clogs. I have to unclog it at least twice every time I clean the cages. Looking back, I would have gone with a bigger one purely for ease of use!
You can probably buy a larger diameter hose that won't clog up as quickly, Jenny. I switched to a larger hose with a smaller shop vac and it works much better without clogs.

I tried this but mine still gets clogged right where the hose connects to the shop vac. :rolleyes:

I'm possibly in the market for a new vac..mine has been losing suction. We're going to try a new filter and if that doesn't work, I'm going all out and buying one of those shiny pretty shop vacs. :D I have a weird obsession with shop vacs...
It is big! It's a 16 gallon! I just have too much poop and hay laying around I guess.

The type they had around a few years ago had a connector piece that came out into the hose - that is what clogs those things. I noticed my new one doesn't. The hose screws on to a 1" ring and the inside makes a flush connection. It only gets "clogged" when it is full. :p
The type they had around a few years ago had a connector piece that came out into the hose - that is what clogs those things. I noticed my new one doesn't. The hose screws on to a 1" ring and the inside makes a flush connection. It only gets "clogged" when it is full. :p

Yep, it's the connector piece that gets me. I'll have to look for one like that when I go shop vac shopping.