SHH... The Chins are Sleeping

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Active member
Jan 9, 2012
Hello fellow users of this wonderful website!
How is everyone today? The vast majority of you live in the U.S, so hello fellow American chinchilla lovers! :wave3:
I'm just a Canadian chin lover, who wanted to ask you guys to post a picture of
your chin sleeping.

In a hammock, tube, wherever, whenever take a picture and post it!

Here are my sleeping beauties.


they all look so cute when they're asleep!
here's a few pics of when rutherford was still just a few months old! i love the pic of him falling asleep in front of his food bowl... must be exhausting, eating all those pellets!


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Here's my boys from a couple weeks ago. They were up all night, causing a ruckus, throwing everything around their cage, fighting with each other, cacking and squeaking, being jerks for no apparent reason. I think it was a bit of spring fever. This is how I found them when I got home from class in the afternoon. A really messy cage, but 2 wiped out boys. They normally wake up when anyone comes in the house and they didn't even move when I took the pic.


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So many cute sleepy chinnies! I rarely catch Luna in a cute sleeping position and when I do, she always bounces into action before I can get a pic. I'm sure I'll catch her really zonked out one of these days.
This is the cutest thread ever! If I ever manage to snap a pic of my boys sleeping (they tend to wakeup when they hear the camera focus) I'll be sure to post it :)
So cute. My little girl always sleeps sitting up. Only stretches out after a run.
I wish I took the picture of Sigma sleeping in his tube the other day! His bum was hanging out halfway and from his stomach up was all cuddled on the fleece tube. Feet and tail dangling away.

It was adorable!