Seriously? Another Yahoo answers head scratcher.

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Yeah, there are a lot of 11 and 12-year-old breeders on there. I just don't understand it. I know one member there, who is also a member here, after I told her she shouldn't breed her (what sounded like) rescue chins stated that "My mom is making me do it." Uh-huh. Then she'll just join under another name and post the same questions over and over. When she gets told enough times on that one, what she doesn't want to hear, she'll create another account and start again. She tried doing it here as well but we don't tolerate that here.
I think it's great that you're answering/referrering people here on Yahoo Answers. That's where I found this site (not posting a question- just looking for information.) I've learned soooo much from here about chins and that almost everything on Yahoo Answers about chins is wrong.
"i think im gunna get a chinchiller fur my three year old i herd they r like hamsters rite??!?!?1/1/!?!?1/1"

ROFL - I just noticed this, and the sad thing is, you're right. It's like an exclamation point vomited all over the place.

"My chin broke it's leg and it's dangling by a string, but I don't want to go to the vet cuz I don't have any money. What should I do??????!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!"

You see that all the time on there.

Oh, and then it will say underneath "Don't be mean when you answer me. I only want someone who can tell me what to do so I don't have to go to the vet."

Oh, and then it will say underneath "Don't be mean when you answer me. I only want someone who can tell me what to do so I don't have to go to the vet."


Those are what get me. All the disclaimers at the bottom saying not to yell at them because they want to breed their 300 gram fur chewing chins, and they already know everything about breeding and did all of their research.... :rolleyes: Ok so why are you asking here again?
That's so sad! I will leave it up to you guys to answer those questions. I get enough of them on the phone and in emails...I don't want to have another place where I have to deal with outright ignorance and sheer stupidity.

They really want to get out of going to the vet? What is wrong with people? Geez... It's almost like I don't want to hear anymore!!! :p
I haven't been to yahoo answers since CnH started up last year! I was desperately looking for something like CnQ after it died. I hated some of the stupid responses to some stupid questions. Thanks for taking me out of my misery Peggy! :crazy: i decided i didnt have anything else to read on Yahoo.

so i read through Answers. today has been a bit of a "down" day for less-than-intelligent chinchilla questions. though there seems to be MANY questions about breeding in general.

"how do i breed my rabbit?" is the one i was drawn to today. i was going to reply and just say to not breed. but then i see that there are 5 other answers on there in support of this person breeding. and so many of them use "breeder" as their source. it just makes me sick to think that animal advice is freely given to ignorant people BY ignorant people.

there needs to be some type of "test" that every person has to go through to become a pet owner. and i dunno...maybe all animals sold should be neutered/spayed. perhaps that would increase the price, but in my opinion, some animals need to saved from owners who do not have their best interest in mind.

as ive always said, let the breeders do the breeding. backyard breeders should be fined. or something.