Me? Addicted?
After losing Marlow just a week ago, today I had to say good bye to my oldest chin. :cry3: I was getting ready to leave for the vets for medication for everyone, weighing them all, and that's when I saw Schroeder dragging his back legs on the floor. I took him out and made him comfortable with my mom since we had to finish the last two weights (through many tears...) and we rushed out to the vets. I didn't even put him in a carrier, he couldn't move. I held him in my arms the whole way up incase he passed on the way.
We made it, triage took him right back and got him on oxygen. They called us into an exam room and the vet came in and told us there was nothing we could do. She said at this point, we could have run tests, do x-rays, bloodwork.. but she said at his age (13) the most humane thing was to put him down. This was the first time I've ever had to put down an animal... It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
They brought him in so I could hold him and spend a little time with him before they euthanized him because they said I couldn't be back there. I was heartbroken that I couldn't be, but they said since it's a heart stick, it's in the owner's best interest. There's.. nothing like the feeling of holding your pet in your hands.. knowing in a few minutes, he's going to be gone. It takes so much strength, but you could see it in his eyes. They were almost glazed over, and he just stared endlessly into space. He had no more fight left.
I've lost my second baby in a week. This is so hard.
RIP Schroeder, my old man. You will be greatly and forever missed.
RIP Schroeder, my old man. You will be greatly and forever missed.