Thanks! She's a pretty relaxed hog... I can't recall the last time I saw her in a ball; it was probably when she first came home and was in a new environment. I'm hard pressed to get a real hiss out of her. She's just completely secure and apparently doesn't feel any need to ball up, raise quills or hiss. When she's sleeping, she's in one of two positions:
1 -- Stretched out on her side with her paws all over the place.
2 -- Flat on her belly with her front paws stretched in front of her and her back paws stretched out behind her.
When I brought her to work on Monday, a couple people asked if I could get her to ball up so they could see what it looked like. I would have had better luck squeezing water from a rock. Even with all the sudden, loud noises from the warehouse, she was more inclined to wiggle her ears and look around. The closest I can get her to a ball is her on her back with her front feet tucked under her chin and her hind legs sticking straight up. Heh.