I think the sawdust is making my hedgehog sneezy, as I hear it can effect their respitory systems. I took him to the vet and she said he had a head cold. she gave him some antibiotics and they worked for a little bit. I think she didn't really know what she was talking about as she suggested feeding him fish, which would make him seriously ill.
I'm not sure what else I could line the bottom of his cage with, as i think he would just burrow under a cloth cage liner...and he isn't potty trained and poos everywhere.
Would the stuff they use to line the bottom of snake tanks be any good? the large wood chips...
I'd be really appreciative of any suggestions as to what I can do.
Thanks!! x
I'm not sure what else I could line the bottom of his cage with, as i think he would just burrow under a cloth cage liner...and he isn't potty trained and poos everywhere.
Would the stuff they use to line the bottom of snake tanks be any good? the large wood chips...
I'd be really appreciative of any suggestions as to what I can do.
Thanks!! x