Sapphire beige

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While it is less common than beigexviolet crosses, beige and sapphire can coexist the same way. I cannot offer a picture atm, but somebody may.
I have seen one in person but I do not have any photos, and I don't know where that beige sapphire ended up. Other than the novelty of seeing a different hybrid, I wasn't interested in it.
Haven't seen one in a long time as there really isn't a good purpose in cross breeding those two mutations...but if common sense serves me right they'd appear very much like a very blue hetero beige I would think.
I don't see the point of Beige violets or Beige Sapphires. So I don't have any photos have you tried a search?
I tried a search, google, bing...trying to help...there's nothing discernable as a sapphire beige...a beige sapphire etc...there are pics of beige violets however.
I don't think you'll find one. Not too many breeders breed sapphires - at least not compared to how many breeders there are for the other colors, even violet - and of those of us that do, not many use beige with them.

Pony Trail has had some beige s/cs for sale, but I don't know that she ever had a beige sapphire born. The person that had the beige sapphire I saw lost their whole herd a while back.
I know they are possible, haven't seen one in person. That's saying a lot, besides a beige sapphire the only other color I haven't seen in person is a beige viophire mix. I'm sure that's forthcoming with how fast people are breeding them these days though.

There is really no benefit to crossing the colors unless you're in it for production.

what it comes down to is I really don't know any reputable breeders who regularly breed sapphire-beiges Sapphires need so much work it is just not a good idea to breed them to a bunch of other mutations. and beginner breedes should aviod breeding the recessives until they get the basics down IMPO
I wonder if it would make a difference to breed violet x sapphire x beige, I know that sapphire x violet does not make a viophire vs. a viophire beige cross.

Mark was selling a pinkwhite carrier so we should be seeing them shortly.

I do currently have what I believe is a pink white violet sapphire carrier male. The pink white actually shows a little of the violet hue in its color. If mated to a blue diamond/viophire female, they could produce blue diamond, white diamond, beige diamond, pink white diamond, beige sapphire, beige violet, white sapphire, white violet, pink white sapphire, pink white violet, sapphire and violet offspring. I was actually quite surprised by the quality of the offspring from my pink white vc female and my blue diamond male. The pink white carried a strong stand up textured fur to both offspring. There is quality to be gained in the cross if done properly with good quality parents and of course there is also the novelty of producing colors I've never seen before as well.