safe wood sheets

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Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
ill be looking at some wood soon, but not small peices, they will be the larger sheet type woods. I wanted to make sure theyd be safe tho should my chins ever deside to chew it, which knowing them, is a guarnte.

Im not sure what types of wood sheets any of my local stores carry, but i figured id ask what kinds of wood are safe that i might see is a sheet format (or any for that matter)
plywood is not safe due to the glues used, and i think also the fact that they are made of a composite of different woods, types unknown. i'm really not sure what other types of 'sheet wood' are available that would be safe, sorry.
I just went and was looking at the sheets the store had. Unfortionitly not much in wood type variaty when it comes to sheets. A few maples, not sure if their ok tho. The only one i saw their that might work was a Aspen Plywood sheet. 4ft x 2ft
plywood is not safe due to the glues used, and i think also the fact that they are made of a composite of different woods, types unknown. i'm really not sure what other types of 'sheet wood' are available that would be safe, sorry.

I just went and was looking at the sheets the store had. Unfortionitly not much in wood type variaty when it comes to sheets. A few maples, not sure if their ok tho. The only one i saw their that might work was a Aspen Plywood sheet. 4ft x 2ft

You're not going to find "sheet" wood that is safe because it is all considered "plywood" and held together with glue. It is NOT safe. None. Nada. Zip.
well my chins are dead set on eating my walls, and i need to prtocet them somehow. While cardboard will save the wall, the chins will simply eat the cardbord instead, so that wont work.
Either don't let them out, or buy a playpen, or keep using the cardobard. You should not get plywood of any type to use with your chins. You can get free priority mail boxes from the post office if you're worried about continually buying cardboard to cover the walls. They'll even drop the boxes off at your house free of charge.
Are you looking for something to put behind their cage or is this when they are out running around that they chew on the walls? Melamine is a good choice. As long as you get a large enough piece to where they can't get to the corners and chew on it. You could maybe get pine boards and trim around the edges? Maybe use a sheet of fleece to back behind the cage?
na, its when their out to play. I do not have room for a playpen. I can get the large carboard slabs no problem, but since its covering the wall, my girl is jsut tearing that to peices and eating the cardboard.
so when they are out to play, you don't intercept them when they are doing something they shouldn't be? they should not be allowed to chew on the cardboard to the point where they can get to the wall, and you should be ready to intervene asap if they get really interested in chewing the cardboard.
I use 1/4 in melamine, 4 ft up the wall, the smooth white surface is easy on the eye and they cannot get their teeth on it since the mating edges are covered in pine trim.
of course i try to stop them when their out, but with 5 chins, i cant be at every one all the time! And its not that their getting though the cardboard to the wall, its the fact that their eating the cardboard period!

And my female chin, is particularly agressive when it comes to her 'claim' when she tears a peice off. (or even before) if you even try to stop her, shell piss all over you.

iv never heard of melamine. what is it?
Until you find a solution can you perhaps only let the chins out two at a time? It'd be easier to intervene then.

I'm not really sure what melamine is, I just know members make their own cages with it...
several purposfully seek it out to chew now tho unfortionitly. Its none stop trying to keep them away form it, hence looking for something i could use to cover the wall thats safe for them to chew
Melamine is a covering over a compressed type of wood or particle board. As long as there are no exposed edges (most people cover the edges with U channel), then they can't get their teeth into it to chew it like other woods. It's also easy to wipe down with a damp towel and deodorize/clean it by adding some white vinegar to the water.
You should not be letting all the chins out at the same time. Your female needs a separate playtime from the rest. And if you're unwilling or unable to do what's best for your chins during playtime due to price/space/ability to intervene, they shouldn't be allowed out until you can provide a fully safe environment.
Actuly, my female does come out seperetly from the males. Cant risk her getting pregnet again. The two kits (around 3months old now) do come out with the other two males tho (dad and their brother) as to keep them frimilar with each other.

Last week or so i havnt been letting them out because of this problem. And their not happy about it. Expecaly my girl sophie. Shes living alone right now, lost here second story of cage to her kits, and now not comeing out.. i feel realy bad about it. At least she recently got another flying saucer to run on tho.

Do you have a link to Melamine product so i can check it out? What about it makes them unable to get their teeth in to it? And what happens if they actuly did?
You said in your above post you can't watch five chins at the same time, which leads to believe all come out together since you only have 5 chins. Also, they'll get over not being out for playtime.

For the melamine, you would have to cover the edges of the boards so they can't get to it because inderneath the white covering it is still particle board, which Dawn already told you how she does it. Just do a search for melamine on line. You'll find it.
For the melamine, you would have to cover the edges of the boards so they can't get to it because inderneath the white covering it is still particle board, which Dawn already told you how she does it. Just do a search for melamine on line. You'll find it.

i did search online for it. I got everything from dinner plates, to forks, to paper, to marker boards. So yea, asking about specifics about what it is, how it works, and where to get, isnt that unreasonable.