My little guy Pebble got something in his eye while I was at work last night. By the time I got to him his eye had been sealed shut and the amount of dried eye boogers suggest that the foreign object was in there for some hours. I gently melted the crusts and even removed some with tweezers, it seems he had a piece of saw dust in there.
Meanwhile his eye looks unharmed and this evening when I woke up there was no sign of infection. However I noticed he had scratched his eye lid with his hind leg before I had been able to treat him. It is a superficial scratch with no bleeding but I am afraid it might get infected!
Should I just rinse it a few times a day with normal saline or is there an eye safe ointment I can buy to help it heal with out infection? I see many mentions of eye ointment use in the forum but no names/brands. I need something over the counter too, as I don't have the budget to pay a vet 250$ to tell me what I already know/ get a prescription. =( I want to be proactive and protect his vision!
Meanwhile his eye looks unharmed and this evening when I woke up there was no sign of infection. However I noticed he had scratched his eye lid with his hind leg before I had been able to treat him. It is a superficial scratch with no bleeding but I am afraid it might get infected!
Should I just rinse it a few times a day with normal saline or is there an eye safe ointment I can buy to help it heal with out infection? I see many mentions of eye ointment use in the forum but no names/brands. I need something over the counter too, as I don't have the budget to pay a vet 250$ to tell me what I already know/ get a prescription. =( I want to be proactive and protect his vision!