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Ok i got a rose bush and there are some green hips that have been on there for at least 3 weeks and are not doing anything? Do they usually take this long? I forgot to water it for 2 days and they shriveled up but then when i watered them they went right back to normal. Could it just be that it wont work?
THis is a really good question that I too would like the answer to. I know they have to turn that dark redish colour before you pick them off and then let them dry out in the sun but I have been looking at mine to and its taking forever to turn that dark red colour.
Anyone have any idea how long it takes?
I hear to pick wild ones after the first frost...I don't know if that helps much, but sounds like it takes a long time! I am so impatient I just order mine!

ETA- did you know you can make wine and jelly out of rosehips?!? I want to try it to see what the big fuss is about!
I agree with Chinniechantel. Rosehips are so cheap it just isn't worth it for me to fuss around with making my own rosehips. You have to pick them after a frost and then dry them in some fashion.

Oh, and one time when I was in college a friend and I made Dandelion Wine. Yeesh, that was an adventure.
Rose hips should become red and ripe from mid-September to October. Orange rose hips mean they are not ripe, very deep red means they are overripe. What you need is bright red color. Overripe rose hips lose lots of vitamin C.
Just keep in mind that Vitamin C is easily destroyed by metals, light and oxygen. Do some research on how to properly dry and store.