Rolling in bedding?

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Parma, OH
Murphy has this habit of rolling in his bedding like it's a dust bath. I use aspen shavings in two little pans w/ his fleece liners & he uses one to pee in & one to roll in.

I was just curious if there is any reason why he shouldn't do this besides maybe ruining his fur? Should I change his bedding to something that's a little softer like carfresh or soft sorbent? I worry that he might possibly dry out his skin since all the shavings seem to have that dustiness about them & I feel like it's pretty much the same as bathing him everyday.
How often does he get a dust bath? Is it possible that he's just really wanting/needing a bath?

They get one once a week right now since it's winter time & I increase them depending on humidity. He definitely doesn't need a dust bath at all, trust me!

He just does it whenever he feels like it, even after he just had a bath.
He might just be silly and like to roll around a lot. My Kiwi is a goofball and she is always rolling around on things. It doesn't have to be dusty - she just likes it!
Our boys do that as well, whether it's in the Carefresh or on the wheel/saucer, regardless of whether they're due for a dustbath. Kenai is funny with his chin spin - after a bath, the dust will get spread around the inside of the wheel as he runs, and then he'll roll in it again... silly boy
My chins will roll just for the fun of it. I've sen them rolling in the bedding (aspen shavings), on their shelves and on top of their house. Bambi will take a lava bite, destroy it within a couple of minutes and roll around in the dust she's made.
Sammy does this too with his litter...the only issue I've come across from it is he scratched his eye and had to be taken to the vet from it...and I'm bet money that it was from the shavings.

Other than that just let them roll away! I increased his bathing (just by an extra time a week) and he has stopped so far...
Yeah, maybe you should try dust baths twice a week and see if that does anything. Mine dust twice a week in winter, thrice in the summer.

Otherwise, it may just be one of your chin's quirks.
Mine roll in their shavings when I break out the dusters and they are waiting for their turn. I assume it's because, they can smell it.

Just my personal experience but, I tried aspen a few times and found it to be alot dustier than pine. Maybe that could be causing their interest in it.
I have some silly ones to that love to roll in the bedding some too. it is so funny I love watching them.