
I don't know what happened. He was in the carrier Quality Cages made for two boys to fly, but we ended up driving instead (cost was insane to ship everything) So we stopped at a hotel the 2nd night of driving, it was storming BAD, open his side of the carrier, he's laying there dead. The other one was fine, and I checked on them constantly. I just don't get what happened. Why him and the other was fine? I blame myself, maybe I shouldn't have taken a 2 hour nap and watched them every second? He didn't play nice with my other boy, but they cuddled through the cages.

They usually ate at the same time and whatever shelf one was on, the other was right there beside him. My other boy is just not acting right. Maybe it's just the new environment, but I think he misses Marley. He's been staying on the side where Marley's cage used to be(except for when he's running like never before on the wheel) Just doesn't seem right with only one cage in here. Even losing at cat of 14-15ish years didn't upset me this much. Maybe it was the shock of finding him and holding him. Probably didn't help that we had another day of driving with him. My Dad just wanted to throw him in a dumpster
Usually when someone's animal goes, I tell them, be happy that you gave them a great life and now you can rescue another. Easier said than done, but my boy needs a new buddy. It's going to be hard, but gotta get Marley's cage cleaned and ready for a new lil man. Until then, extra playtime and apple sticks!