RIP Lucifer

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2010
Lucifer was my first chinchilla. He was a surprise from my parents, and I adored him from day 1. He was my Luci-boy, the sweetest little guy was content to sit on my lap and eat hay for hours. He would run to the side of his cage as soon as I came in the room, begging to be let out. Then one day he just fell over, and clear fluid started coming out of his nose. I called my vet immediately, but he was already in surgery on another animal. I called every local vet, only to find that most either wouldn't see chinchillas or did not take emergencies if not a current patient. I finally found one, and my Luci-boy died in the car on the way there. I love my current chins, Angel and Demon, but they'll never take the place of my Lucifer.
RIP baby, I still miss you.


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Poor thing. :( At least you know you did all you could by trying to get him to the vet... RIP Lucifer.