RIP Jasmyne 05/11/09

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
So Calif
I hope my x-rays come out. These are her second set of x-rays of her mouth the 1st set were taken last year but I can't seem to download them. These were taken 02/27/09. She has been drooling since early May 2008. This is also when I found out she was pregnant with 2 babies. She delivered the babies on May 25, 2008. The vet said her teeth were normal. Her drooling got better then it started to get worse again. I had x-rays and blood tests done. Blood test showed protein was high. She wouldn't eat pellets or hay any more. I had to make her food crushed pellets, goat milk, water, and life line she would eat this from a bowl. She would eat this 6 times a day. I just didn't have the heart to put her down. I finally made the decision on May 11th since her drooling was getting worse and losing weight rapidly.

This is what her necropsy report says:
Thin body condition. Hair loss and matting around chin and neck. Caudal two upper molars show extended points with only minor irritation to buccal tissue. Lower right molars appear necrotic but no associated damage to mandible. Internal organs appear ok, food in gi, little body fat. Suspect molar infections are the cause of chronic drooling even though was not evident on skull rads. the points on the upper molars were minor and would not have caused chronic problems.

Now, I have 2nd thoughts and I hope I don't have to make decisions like this again. Sorry this is so long. What causes mouth infections?


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Is it possible she could have gotten some food stuck in her gums and it resulted in an infection? I guess any sort of cut or abrasion in the mouth, or even in the teeth themselves can result in an infection.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest peacefully, Jasmyne.
Sorry you had to go through all that. It's so tough to know what to do. But infections are painful and there was no guarantee that she would make it through all the medications.
But if food was stuck, or any cuts wouldn't the vet have seen that doing visual inspections? She's been at the vet probably around 7 times for this drooling. It started in late April or early May of 2008. This is also when the 1st x-rays were done.
I am so very sorry for your loss. You need to understand though, you did the very best for her you could. You sought veterinary care, you did everything right. You will literally make yourself nuts second guessing everything now that she's gone. Sometimes you just have to realize that you did your best, the vet did his/her best, and your little one fought a good fight - then move on.
Sorry for you loss. I know this won't help you feel better, but you did everything you could to help your little furry baby.

I am sad for your loss and I hope you have peace knowing she isn't in pain anymore and you did all you could. Jasmyne couldn't have asked for more. RIP little one.
I'm sorry to hear about Jasmyne. Sometimes even the best vets are unable to diagnose a problem or prescribe an effective treatment. You did everything you could but at least Jasmyne is in peace now.
So sorry about Jasmyne. You did the best you could for her and I'm sure she knew how much she was loved.
You definately did all you could for little Jasmyne. Sending my sympathy to you for your
loss. Don't be hard on yourself--we make the best decisions we can, cause we love
these little ones so much.
I'm very sorry to hear about your little one Jasmyne. If she could have said so, she would of thanked you for your compassionate love you provided for her all the days of her life.