Reviews on Infomercials

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So who has a Snuggie??

i have, er had, a snuggie. ripped it up to use as chin fleece! lol.

this thread reminds me of a hilarious note that a friend wrote on facebook about the 'slap chop' utensil/tool (i'm sure you've all seen the infomercial on it). i definitely have to ask him if i can copy it here for you all to read. it's hilarious!
The one that always gets me is the Wen hair care (shampoo) infomercials. I used to have beautiful, luxurious hair. Then I went to college and my hair thinned a ton and got wavy. Seriously, the thickness of my hair isn't even half of what it used to be. I watch the Wen infomercials and think... Oooh, maybe my old hair will come back! I know it won't, but still...
Haha, yes, who doesn't want to slick their slippers in the microwave where their food goes.
Never seen the infomercial for these, but really, if they're heated long enough, the microwave should kill any bacteria. They say 2 mins on high disinfects a sponge. Course, I suppose it also depends on how grimy your house is as far as what might be on the underside of those booties that you don't want in your microwave.
Never seen the infomercial for these, but really, if they're heated long enough, the microwave should kill any bacteria. They say 2 mins on high disinfects a sponge. Course, I suppose it also depends on how grimy your house is as far as what might be on the underside of those booties that you don't want in your microwave.

Microwave for 60 seconds.
The ear Vacuum commercial cracks me up every time I see it.
An ear vacuum sounds terrifying.

I haven't looked at the anatomy of an ear since the mid 90's, so this is probably just going to reveal my ignorance... but I keep picturing someone sucking their ear drum out and becoming forever deaf. This image I now have in my head is creeping me out... completely... Eardrum there; eardrum ripped from its tethering and exiting your head via vacuum. ARGH!!!!

Maybe it's just the caffeine from the Pepsi I just drank, but I'm feeling a bit funny (like skin crawly) sitting here thinking about this.

Calgon, take me away!!!
I would never purchase an "as seen on tv" product online or over the phone. Too much drama happens after you hand over your cc info. Most of those products end up at brick and mortar stores anyway. We're still loving our Big Top Cupcake Silicone Bakeware!
My MIL used to buy every "As Seen on TV" item she came across and then give them all out as Christmas gifts - mostly to me. Thankfully she's stopped that.