Retrobulbar Mass?

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Nov 28, 2015
Hi all, looking for some advice. Since the beginning of the month/late last month, Barkley's left eye has been protruding from his head. The veterinarian I work for said it was either an abscess behind his eye, or glaucoma. We did a two week trial of antibiotics and it didn't help in the slightest, so she prescribed three different eye medications for glaucoma; Genteal Eye Drops 2x daily, Optimmune Ointment 2x daily, and Timolol 0.25% Eye Drops 2x daily. I sent out his skull radiographs for a specialist interpretation and they said to rule out an abscess vs. mass.

After that news I decided to take the drive to a specialist an hour away. She said she doesn't think it's an abscess because it's not presenting as one, but can't rule it out. Saw both their exotic specialist and opthamologist, nothing is wrong with his eye. They told me to discontinue all his medications (including the Meloxidyl he gets 1x daily), so that they can better assess the situation and to come back in two weeks for a recheck. Ideally they want to do a CT scan, which I will do once I can save up the money for it. The specialist thinks it's a mass behind his eye, but she said it could be an abscess still, a mass in his chest (x-rays didn't show one and she didn't feel one upon palpation), a tumor/mass (possibly cancer).

He's also been losing weight over the past year, even though I've actually been feeding him slightly more after his brother passed. He used to get 1/16 cup of food (he was on a diet), but now he gets anywhere between 1/16 and 1/8 cup of pellets. Blood work came back unremarkable, no issues. Yesterday his ears looked slightly yellow to me, but like I said, nothing on his bloodwork showed up.

My question to you guys is, does anyone have any similar situations with retrobulbar masses? I'm kind of lost with what to do, and the doctor I work for was giving me a really hard time about holding off on the CT scan. Made me feel like garbage lol. I'm just trying to get any kind of advice that I can. I don't want my boy to be in pain or miserable, but since he's still eating the doctors keep telling me he's fine - but as his parent something still seems off to me.
Hi all, looking for some advice. Since the beginning of the month/late last month, Barkley's left eye has been protruding from his head. The veterinarian I work for said it was either an abscess behind his eye, or glaucoma. We did a two week trial of antibiotics and it didn't help in the slightest, so she prescribed three different eye medications for glaucoma; Genteal Eye Drops 2x daily, Optimmune Ointment 2x daily, and Timolol 0.25% Eye Drops 2x daily. I sent out his skull radiographs for a specialist interpretation and they said to rule out an abscess vs. mass.

After that news I decided to take the drive to a specialist an hour away. She said she doesn't think it's an abscess because it's not presenting as one, but can't rule it out. Saw both their exotic specialist and opthamologist, nothing is wrong with his eye. They told me to discontinue all his medications (including the Meloxidyl he gets 1x daily), so that they can better assess the situation and to come back in two weeks for a recheck. Ideally they want to do a CT scan, which I will do once I can save up the money for it. The specialist thinks it's a mass behind his eye, but she said it could be an abscess still, a mass in his chest (x-rays didn't show one and she didn't feel one upon palpation), a tumor/mass (possibly cancer).

He's also been losing weight over the past year, even though I've actually been feeding him slightly more after his brother passed. He used to get 1/16 cup of food (he was on a diet), but now he gets anywhere between 1/16 and 1/8 cup of pellets. Blood work came back unremarkable, no issues. Yesterday his ears looked slightly yellow to me, but like I said, nothing on his bloodwork showed up.

My question to you guys is, does anyone have any similar situations with retrobulbar masses? I'm kind of lost with what to do, and the doctor I work for was giving me a really hard time about holding off on the CT scan. Made me feel like garbage lol. I'm just trying to get any kind of advice that I can. I don't want my boy to be in pain or miserable, but since he's still eating the doctors keep telling me he's fine - but as his parent something still seems off to me.
First, please don't limit his pellets. He won't get over weight on a healthy pellet.
Did the xrays show root elongation? Csb you post the xrays here so our more medically savvy members can check them out??
He's always been obese. I don't know what to do, every vet I go to says to decrease his food. He's on Oxbow, and like I said we're back up to 1/8th cup of pellets a day. If you have any suggestions please let me know!

I'll attach his most recent skull rads, they're definitely not the prettiest. A lot of information got lost while sending them around.


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