Rescues and the SuperPet cage.

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Rick - seriously - WD40?? Between that and Lifeline, that's really the only 2 things a chin needs, isn't it?

I agree also - vegetable or olive oil, something non-toxic and safe. Yeesh.
Good job and they are oh so lucky to have you. They are nice looking chins, all cleaned up. Why do people let them get to that point? I don't understand, and never will. I know those of you who do rescue see many and much worse cases, and probably don't get it either. I am glad they are with you now, spoiled and clean.
Wow, they look great. I really have to get a chin comb. I have a dog flea comb, but that just doesn't do it.

Their cage looks great now too.
Between that and Lifeline, that's really the only 2 things a chin needs, isn't it?

Peggy are you being sarcastic because that's all I keep in my first aid kit here... that and some duct tape.

Good job on the whole deal! Since Nebraska is just down from Peggy... why not stop here before California? I've got a lot of breeders that need a good combing. Won't even need a 1 lb of dust, just lots o' dead hair! Also can I book you for the Jan. Boone show? I'd even buy the margs for ya. Good!
A road trip to all your different ranches and free drinks at each one?!? Talk about dream vacation!:hammock: Now where do I find a babysitter for that long....:hmmm:
Wow! They look really different (both the cage and the chins)! Good job with the grooming!! Think you can start your grooming career since you have so many "clients" now. :thumbsup: