I am also not sure why they were put on the cavy cusine, i believe i remember reading that they were not eating any hay at all so they wanted them to get some timothy into them which is what the cavy cusine is made up of. and since they started on that they didnt want to switch them off. i think!
i also think i read that the vet they were dealing with told rick to have eveyone transition them from the timothy rich diet to the alfalfa based one slowly as it would affect their GI tract and we all would possibly deal with stomach issues.
personally i am sure there were worse transitions in history of much more poorly treated chins. these guys are in wonderful condition. very alert and clean and pretty socialized.
however; from my own personal human experience, i would not want to have been eating cookies and cakes and then boom cold turkey switch to salad and fish.
i am going to transition them quickly because they are now getting lots of timmy hay and do not need to be on GP diet but i also dont want to irritate their stomache.
there are too many mixed opinions on this, so i am going to combine them all and do it that way.