Really Worried

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I'm very worried about Annie. :( I thought that her dry skin condition was improving, but it seems to have gotten much worse.

Let me describe it for you:
-she is losing a LOT of quills each day
-she is getting a bald spot on her back
-her skin is very dry and flaky
-she scratches herself a lot
-her ears are dry and scaley looking

The vet said that she does not have mites. He advised to give her new food and to put oil on it. I have done that.

Should I get her re-tested for mites?
What else could this be?

Thanks for your help,
I would get Revolution and treat her for mites regardless of the negative mite test. There can be false negatives and once she is treated, you can rule out mites. Treat her twice, 3 weeks apart. Revolution is safe to use and is the easiest next step.
I don't mean to sound stupid, but do I get that from the vet, Nancy?
Revolution can only be purchased from a vet. I agree with Nancy about not always finding mites on a scraping. With each new hedgehog I take in, I do a scraping to see if I can find mites, but I treat regardless because they can be dormant. Certainly adding a new food to her diet or taking one out is something to think about but it takes time for a change in diet to take effect. What do you currently feed her and how often do you bathe her?
Revolution can only be purchased from a vet. I agree with Nancy about not always finding mites on a scraping. With each new hedgehog I take in, I do a scraping to see if I can find mites, but I treat regardless because they can be dormant. Certainly adding a new food to her diet or taking one out is something to think about but it takes time for a change in diet to take effect. What do you currently feed her and how often do you bathe her?

Okay, well I can call my vet tomorrow and ask them about getting some Revolution.
She has a mix of Blue Buffalo Spa Select Weight Control Cat Food (her old food) and By Nature Organic Chicken Cat Food (new food). Can you recommend any other food that I could get at Petsmart?
I do not bathe her very often because I am afraid of drying her skin out the last time I did was a few weeks ago with some oatmeal soap, but I normally do not bathe her for several weeks at a time because she doesn't like it and she normally does not need it.
In matters of care, Nancy is the expert. I am only here to say how much I admire how well you care for little Annie and how very proactive you are in seeking assistance to meet her needs and see that she is comfortable.
How long have you bee supplementing her diet? Diet changes can take a while to see changes. Like upwards of 6 weeks. You may also want to try adding some moisture to her back. A couple of drops of flaxseed oil can help soften their skin a lot.
You may also want to try adding some moisture to her back. A couple of drops of flaxseed oil can help soften their skin a lot.

Should Annie be checked for a fungal infection first? My understanding is that if it's fungal, then you shouldn't add oil until that's cleared up.
Shetland- Thanks, I really love Annie. :))

Kalandra- It has been less than six weeks since I changed her food and have been putting oil on it. I actually just put oil on her yesterday to try to make her more comfortable. She still itches though and loses lots of quills. I just am worried about her having mites because I know that if it doesn't get taken care of, the problem can become much more serious.

Smhufflepuff- The vet never said anything about a fungal infection, but does anyone else on here think I should get her checked for that??
OKAY here it goes...
I went to the vet's today to get Annie some Revolution and had to literally fight with the vet to tell him that I did not want Annie getting a shot of Ivermectin, and that I just wanted the Revolution. He kept trying to convince me that the Ivermectin is safe and works better than the Revolution, but I kept firm saying that I did not want her getting the shot.
FINALLY I got the Revolution for was it expensive, too. I swear they just upped the price 'cause they hated having to fight with me. :hair: But I love my little baby too much and I got it for her.

So...*deep breath* anyway...
They gave me three doses (it says "0.04mls" each) of it and it says to give her one every 14 days until gone. "On the back of the neck" Does that sound good?

Thanks everyone for you help with this.
Sorry you had to fight for the Revolution, but I'm glad you did. I'm sure Annie is even more pleased with your efforts (even if she doesn't understand it all). Hopefully the Revolution will clear things up for her. I really hope she starts to feel better and is able to stop losing quills soon.

Edit to add:
I don't know about the amount of the dose, but I know that the place where you're supposed to put it sounds right. It's in a spot where hedgie won't be able to lick... even with all her contortionist abilities. Mine was very displeased with the drop of Revolution I put on her... both times (or was it three? I don't recall & am not at home to check my log book at the moment). I think it was the scent? But she got over it quickly - in minutes. But, boy, was she confused/angry for those few minutes!
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Dosage sound right and time frame is fine. Did they measure it out for you in the syringes? If so, chances are good it will have evaporated by the time the next dose is due.

If it is in a syringe, wiggle the syringe down between her quills until it is touching her skin and press the plunger. Yes she will be pissed off. It is a alcohol smell that bothers them.

What did they charge you? Revolution is not expensive. It's about $15 per tube which will treat about 6 hedgehogs.
Yes, they put the three doses in syringes. Does that mean it's not going to be good then???
Wrap the syringes in saran wrap and put in a zip loc bag. That stuff evaporates very quickly so make sure no air can get to it.
I hope the revolution does the trick and she gets better soon!
How did little Annie like her Revolution?

She wasn't too happy...but mommies always have to be so mean like that to try to make their babies feel better. Like when my mom would force me to drink liquid cough medicine. :))