Real Men (baby boy chins) Wear Pink! (pic heavy)

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Thanks everyone for the great compliments :))! I must admit that I really enjoy decorating all of their cages. Fleece is the only way to go in this house and I'm lucky that none of the boys are into destroying it. And now we're anxiously waiting for a new fleece set for the boys courtesy of Brittany :hug2: who found some blue cupcake fleece.

There is just way too much cuteness going on in that cage :)
Your boys are so adorable. And your cage is amazing!!
The half circle covered in fleece, is that a pvc pipe cut in half?
What pretty boys! And great action shots, love the popcorn and leapfrog ones! That's a great lookin cage ya got. :)

Blue cupcakes is even better than pink, but they don't really care do they? Where's the donut fleece? :D I think I've seen some of that at Joanns before..
I'll keep an eye out again, but it was a couple months ago that I saw it in the store.
Your boys are so adorable. And your cage is amazing!!
The half circle covered in fleece, is that a pvc pipe cut in half?

Thanks and Brittany on this forum made all of the fleece items you see in the cage but I'm pretty sure it is pvc pipe as it was definitely heavier than cardboard :)).

What pretty boys! And great action shots, love the popcorn and leapfrog ones! That's a great lookin cage ya got. :)

Blue cupcakes is even better than pink, but they don't really care do they? Where's the donut fleece? :D I think I've seen some of that at Joanns before..

Thank you and I agree, the boys need some donut fleece in their cage as well!
I just came across your thread, Sandi! Where have I been??? Those are incredibly huggable and kissable chins that make pink look really cool for boys/men! And who wouldn't like such an awesome pink layout in their cage?! Totally spoiled!