I would hope your parents would spend money on having the desk taken apart and put back before they would hire a exterminator.
Not saying her parents are like this but mine definitely wouldn’t. I remember when I was younger and my sister had a mouse that got a tumor my dad told her to break its neck. They wouldn’t spend money on a vet unless it was for our dog.
Wow Brittney, sounds like a rough weekend for you and an exterminator? Oh boy, I don't know what I would have done.
My girls have free roam of the house and Roo discovered 2 holes up under my kitchen cabinet that she loves to go in. Thankfully, she comes to me when I tsk or cluck, even if I call her name. She'll pop her little head out and come running. Do yours come when you call their name?
I initially teach mine by giving something they like when they see me. Obviously small pieces of treats work best.
Also, when it's time to be put away, I stand near their cages and call to them. When they come I give them a treat and then put them away.
You said you used a sticky trap to attempt to catch her? One of the glue traps for rats and mice? Just for future reference I wouldn't use one of those if they get out. http://www.wikihow.com/Remove-a-Live-Mouse-from-a-Sticky-Trap. Although it is possible to be able to remove them, I've also heard of little feet getting tore off or tails (either by person or rat) when trying to remove them.
So glad you got your cute gal out!