I bite.
Some of you probably know from my facebook that I am acting squirrel mom to two little orphan squirrel babies. Just thought I would share some cute pictures of them.
Let me preface by saying I am a veterinary technician and a licensed assistant wildlife rehabilitator. It is illegal to take in and try to raise any wildlife you find, or to keep them as pets. If you do find an injured/orphaned wild animal, contact your local vet office, DNR, or wildlife rehabilitator. I put this in "chit chat" instead of other pets because they are not pets. ;-)
The first baby is "Hercules" (his rescuer named him..hehe). We believe he is around 3 weeks old now. He was rescued from a cat and his rescuer attempted to return him to his mom, but it didn't work out so now he's here with us. He gets syringe fed every 3 hours and is finally starting to get some hair. You can see his scar on his back from the cat.
Next is "Chip". He was very skinny and dehydrated when he came to us, but he has bounced back and is a little stinker now. As soon as you stick your hand in his cage to feed him, he latches on and climbs up your arm. We are in the process of beginning to wean him to dry food, so we are starting to leave him alone more by only syringe feeding him 2 times a day. Once he gets big and old enough, he will move to an outside enclosure for a few weeks where we will attempt to teach him to be a "wild squirrel" before he is released.
When he first got here, you can tell how skinny he was:
A week later, eating his big kid food (sorry for the poor quality)
Our racoon (who is in how to be a wild racoon 101) felt left out, so here he is too.
Let me preface by saying I am a veterinary technician and a licensed assistant wildlife rehabilitator. It is illegal to take in and try to raise any wildlife you find, or to keep them as pets. If you do find an injured/orphaned wild animal, contact your local vet office, DNR, or wildlife rehabilitator. I put this in "chit chat" instead of other pets because they are not pets. ;-)
The first baby is "Hercules" (his rescuer named him..hehe). We believe he is around 3 weeks old now. He was rescued from a cat and his rescuer attempted to return him to his mom, but it didn't work out so now he's here with us. He gets syringe fed every 3 hours and is finally starting to get some hair. You can see his scar on his back from the cat.

Next is "Chip". He was very skinny and dehydrated when he came to us, but he has bounced back and is a little stinker now. As soon as you stick your hand in his cage to feed him, he latches on and climbs up your arm. We are in the process of beginning to wean him to dry food, so we are starting to leave him alone more by only syringe feeding him 2 times a day. Once he gets big and old enough, he will move to an outside enclosure for a few weeks where we will attempt to teach him to be a "wild squirrel" before he is released.
When he first got here, you can tell how skinny he was:

A week later, eating his big kid food (sorry for the poor quality)

Our racoon (who is in how to be a wild racoon 101) felt left out, so here he is too.