Quinn's foot

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Chicagoland area
For the last 6 months or so Quinn has been dealing with a swollen foot. The first time I had posted here, it has a lump on the top. Through the medicine and treatments the bump went away and the swelling went down but not completely away. Then a few weeks ago the swelling got bad and his foot was bleeding. So back to the vet and the same thing, meds and treatments, the wound gone swelling went down but not gone. Now just the other day it looks like another bump is forming. I am continuing to give him medicine and we are scheduled to go to the vet next week for a follow up. It doesn't seem to hurt him as he is still running 3 to 5 miles a night. He is eating fine. I don't know what else to ask the vet. He is almost 5 and a half years old. Anyone deal with anything like this?

The first image is the first bump 6 months ago. The second is the wound from a few weeks ago. I do not have a picture of the newest bump. It is still pretty small.


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Poor little fella. So odd that the first was on top of the foot. Without that, I'd normally assume that the abrasion shown in the second pic was just a product of running a bit too much, treat with neosporin, take out the wheel for a night, and expect all would be fine. But the bump on top kind of casts a doubt on that. And the fact that now he has a new bump... Goodness!

Good call on going to the vet. I wonder if the vet might take a sample, culture it, and see if there's something going on that may have caused all three?

Beyond that, I'd be looking to make sure his feet are as clean as can be!
As of now, the third bump has gone but his foot is looking red and irritated the same way as in the second picture but it is not bleeding yet. So that may be from running on his already swollen foot.

So far we have done the medicine, a DMSO with Amikacin and Metacam swabbed on his foot and therapeutic laser treatments. 2 treatments the first time in and the full 6 treatment course this last time. The laser is supposed to be helpful for wounds, infections, inflammation etc. Here is the website. The sore on his foot got better and the swelling lessened but not by much. Its just very frustrating that the swelling won't go down. The vet is next week.

I am worried that he is in pain. This might be a stupid question but he wouldn't be running so much if his foot was hurting him, would he? He just loves to run so much, I don't know if being in pain would stop him. The vet said I could have pain meds but I don't want to give him unnecessary medicines.
When I went to put the medicine on Quinn's foot it broke open and bled quite a bit. He also does not want me touching it now. I put neosporin on it instead because I didn't know if the other medicine would sting. I left his wheel out tonight, he's gonna be mad. I think I will see if Quinn's Dr is in tomorrow.
Poor little guy. Does the vet know what kind of bacteria or virus is doing this to him?
Just got back from the vet. He took some fluid for testing. Should know more Monday or Tuesday. The vet cleaned up his foot and did another laser treatment since it did help up to a point. This new test should tell more what is causing it.
Glad that you may finally be able to get to the bottom of what's going on with his foot. I really hope something turns up and that it's cureable.

Sending you and Quinn lots of hedgie hugs!!!
Thanks for the hugs!!

The tests came back pointing to a bacterial infection, possibly caused by a foreign object in his foot like if he stepped on a quill and part of it broke off. We are treating with a new oral antibiotic. So far Quinn took it without much of a fight but we still have 27 more doses to go. It is banana flavored so hopefully he will like it for a while. He is still running like crazy, last night over 6 miles and the night before over 7.
Is there any indication that the foreign object might still be in his foot? I'm wondering if there's something there that's been leading to the little bumps/sores over and over.
Yes, whatever it is might still be in there. In fact since we started the meds his foot looks a whole lot worse. There is a new bump between his toes. The vet said it is likely that the sliver will start to fester and come to a head and burst and come out that way. He is thinking that might be what the new bump is. So close watch, medicine, and cuddles. The bad news is Quinn is on to me and has decided he does not like getting his medicine. I am not his favorite person right now.
I hope little Quinn is on the road to recovery soon! You are taking such good care of him!!
No real change yet. Another laser treatment today. He still has that bump between his toes. I only worry if he is in pain. He is running a lot every night, he wouldn't do that if he is in pain, right?
Update on Quinn's foot. He finished all his medicine and laser treatments. The vet said at the follow up that the infection and inflammation are gone and the redness and heat are gone from his foot. It is still swollen looking but the vet said that it might be scar tissue since we have been dealing with this for awhile. Since it is obviously not bothering him and is looking better we are going to let Quinn be for now and I will keep a close eye on it. The vet said the next step would be to lance it or cut it open and he doesn't want to put Quinn through that since it can cause more infection. We both agreed that it is probably bothering us more than him. So unless it gets worse or starts to bother Quinn, I am just going to keep doing what I am doing.
Thanks much for the update. I've been hoping the meds have been working to help Quinn. What an ordeal! I hope whatever was in there (assuming there was something in there) has worked its way out.