Quiet Cage

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Hello, I recently adopted a chin. He came with the starter chinchilla kit, which is made of all wire, along with 2 wire teirs and ramps. I sleep in the same room as the cage, and during the night he tends to wake me up because of his crashing noises; its usually only once a night. I was wondering if there was any suggestions on how I can quiet this cage the best. Also I am looking into buying a Ferret Nation cage, would that also help?... I feel it would be better quality.
if you're talking about the starter chinchilla cage from PetSmart, it is noisy and will be noisy. it's also not big enough for a chin once they're full grown, IMO. I use it as my quarantine cage and i tried fleece liners to try to quiet it, which didn't work. I ended up taking basically everything out and putting wood ledges all over and bedding in the bottom. it helped, but the wire is still noisy. I'd suggest just getting a Ferret Nation, it's sturdier, bigger and definitely won't keep you up.
Good luck on a chin not keeping you up at night. My advice is get some earplugs. Even if you get a better, sturdy cage, chins still tend to make a lot of noise at night. You could try Martin's Cages, too, depending on what part of PA you are in. They are near Columbia.
Rob I have all 9 chins sleeping in my room with me! They can be noisy but I've learned to adjust, after awhile I think you get used to it. I have two 3 story ferret nation cages and the only thing that really makes noise are the wheels when they run on them and if they chew the cage bars (yes baby Lisa chin I am calling you out on that!) I love my ferret nation cages!

BTW welcome to the forum!
The Ferret Nation cage will significantly reduce the noise compared to the cage you currently have, but chins will find a way to make noise no matter what cage they are in. A Ferret Nation with wooden shelves and a fleece covered bottom is very quiet in my opinion. I have (3) 2-levels in my room and have gotten used to the noise. Except when they drag a stick along the cage bars.......

There is a long thread with tons of pictures of the Ferret Nation.
As someone else who also has all their pet chins in the bedroom, I can vouch for the Ferret Nation. The cage itself is very sturdy and very quiet.
I believe I had that cage you are talking about for Jemma and yeah it is super loud. Now I have the FN 142 and it is way quieter, but like others have said before me, they can still be pretty noisy if they set their minds to it. You do get used to it after a while though.
Is there a quiet cage? :laughitup: I have several different kinds. Some with wheels and some without. Any cage I have a wheel makes more noise. The Ferret Nation is the quietest here. I do not have a wheel in this cage. However the bars are very thick and I would imagine offer less noise if it were outfitted with a wheel. Try buying a floor fan or "WHITE NOISE" machine for sleeping at night in your room.
Thank you everyone very much for your help!! I will definitely look in to a ferret nation cage, and do some modifications on it. I use my fan for white noise at night, but ill look into the white noise machines as well. Thank you again!
I don't have any cages in my bedroom but as far as what I use for white noise is concerned is an air cleaner, some are fairly inexpensive and have a few settings so you don't have to have it on a super loud setting.
You could probably remove the ramps, since chinnies don't need ramps, and that might make it a little quieter. Wood ledges instead of the wire landings may quiet it down some, too.
Thats a good idea too, i might try that until I can get a ferret nation cage.
I was looking into a critter nation (ferrret nation) cage because I can't afford the larger one. But if I were to get the larger on e(142) with the two levels; I know that you can separate the levels, but can you remove one from the other or are they connected?