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Active member
Sep 27, 2015
So of course, this is all hypothetical, but I've suddenly become very interested in showing over night ;)

Mostly because it seems fun, and the chinchilla community has proven sparse in my area so far.

I understand you can bring any sort of chinchilla. No pedigree or lineage, just pick one up from "Chins-R-Us" and attend.

My problem is age. I understand it is hard to age a chinchilla, so if I had this "Chins-R-Us" chinchilla (which I do, in this case), what would be a good way to go about that? I know they all age differently, but I have a small but "mature" looking Chin, would it be appropriate to call her a year old?

Like I said this is all hypothetical, but I'm suddenly very interested in showing, or at least knowing more about showing!

Thanks in Advanced!
Is there any way of finding out 'about' how old it is? They are judged in classes of under 7 months or older than, male and female. Most chins peak at about 1 year to 18 months, but chins older than that have also done really well. If it's a young chin, it would do better against it's own age group, and vice versa. We try to compare apples to apples & oranges to oranges, so to speak. How else could we help?
Well, that IS provided it's an MCBA show. In ECBC age really isn't a consideration. So it will also depend on which show you'd like to attend? Likewise, even if it is MCBA (as mentioned) it will only really matter if the chinchilla is under 7mos of age so your best bet is knowing at least "round about" age for showing purposes. Right now is show season, I would highly recommend finding one within driving distance and setting your mind to attend it. Showing is super fun, aside from babies it is the highlight of all that I do in chinchillas. It is what drives me in chinchillas! Best of luck, and feel free to ask any additional questions.

**A WORD TO THE WISE** if you want to get into showing, get a chinchilla from a reputable breeder and you will KNOW the age ;) if you've already purchased a chinchilla that you'd like to show to get a "feel" for the show circuit...prep it properly for showing purposes and then enter it. By the time you've prepped it though, it'll most likely fall in the over 7mos age category anyhow ;) You'll need proper combs & lots of blue cloud dust!
Vyxxin will find out soon enough with their show that the judges for MCBA & ECBC are one in the same, and so are the standards. And you don't need all the combs & stuff. There is always someone who would be willing to groom your animal for you for the show. There are lots of people willing to help you. Good luck!!
Right, standards are the same but I know that age IS taken into consideration more for an MCBA show than an ECBC show. I've always been told it's more favorable to bring a hefty mature chin to an ECBC event ;) As for combs, while there are always people willing to help groom...I'm of the school that pre-grooming is important and part of that (for me at least) is a rough groom several months prior to showing to remove loose fur for the dust to penetrate better :)