
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I typically don't either. The main thing that sometimes (rarely) makes a difference is that females can spray.
I've found all my males to be slightly more friendly and of course when females are upset they spray. For pet home I always suggest males.
I find females measure. They get more pee on the walls... Other than that no difference really. Getting a second chinchilla male or female puts your other one at risk. fights are nasty and can happen even when they get along
The best thought, if you think your male needs a companion, would be to get another male. I would get a young male. But with any chin that you want to introduce, there has to be a 30 day quarantine first. This means a separate cage in a different room. After the 30 days you can begin your intro. I know there is a thread here, if you check the search engine, on how to introduce. One of two things will happen. Either they will hit it off and can be cage mates, or they will not like eachother and you will need to keep them in two separate cages indefinitely. You just never know how they will react to one another until you go through the intro period.

If you are concerned that your chin is lonely, a lot of people here have a fleece cuddle buddy as a companion for their chin. I have an only chin and I have one for her. She drags it around to various areas of her cage.

Thanks for asking questions and taking everyone's advice so well. Good luck!