question for chin parents who have a chin missing a front paw/leg

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
hi everyone :)

i (by that, i mean my boyfriend and i) have a chinchilla, Chan, who is missing a front paw. he is very special, to us, and in that he is missing two limbs- front left paw and right rear foot. he was alone in his cage (couldn't be with Jackie, our other chin due to the fact that they nineopposite sex and we wanted to avoid an irresponsible pregnancy) and somehow, both times he found a way to get his little paws stuck somewhere in his cage- the first time it was overnight (while we slept) and didn't discover it until the next day when we awoke, and the second time from the time i checked to make sure they were doing well, to half an hour later when i went back to play with them (it was their playtime). i believe i would have discovered those horrible accidents sooner had he cried out in pain, or surprise, or shock, or anything... but he didn't. he didn't make a sound, none at all. in fact, both times as soon as i got him unstuck and while i freaked out and cried and ran around anxious looking for an exotic vet that could treat him, all he wanted to do was play (i had quickly cleaned up his wounds, wrapped up his legs- the hurt one for each time- and put him in a carrier to take him to the vet). in the end, both times he had to get an amputation- his foot the first time, and his paw the second time- because the injuries were too bad to repair and heal.

the first time, we almost lost him. he was very weak and his defenses we pretty low. he was taking quite a while to recover. it was so bad that we had to get ready to say our goodbies since he had to be taken in to be put down. last minute we decided not to take him in. we didn't want to see him in pain, of course, but we were holding out hope. by yhe next day, he started to make a recovery- quite fast too. we got him checked out and as it turned out, our decision to not take him in to be put down was right. by the second week after that day, he was back to his old self. we were very happy 'cause he was gonna live.

the second time, i was sure he wouldn't make it as soon as i saw he had gotten another paw stuck. this time though, he recovered very quickly, much quicker than the first time. he is such a fighter. :)

anyway, now he runs and jumps and acts like a normal chinchilla, even when he takes his dust bath. we try to make sure he is comfortable and safe. we have put him in the same cage with Jackie now since she helps groom him where he can no longer reach... and he can no longer get on top her (mating position). it's sad to see him fail, but he does need the help with his grooming and we cannot afford another chin (a male companion), especially after all those pricey live-saving expenses.

so, um, like i said, he does pretty much everything like a normal chinchilla, even take his dust bath... except for one problem. after Jackie takes her bath, she wipes off excess dust from her nose, something Chan can't do. i have cut back his number of dust baths to about a third of Jackie's. say she gets nine a month during this season, he only gets three. i cut them back because i worry that he might develop respiratory issues from not being able to wipe off the excess dust from his nose.

now, for my question.. or qestions.

am i doing the right thing by cutting down his number of dust baths to three or so a month? how do chin parents with chinchillas that have a front paw missing deal with this and/or help out their chins? is there anything else i can do to help Chan feel better? the platforms/ledges in their cage are close together, and i added a ramp. we had him in a single level cage but all he did was lie there unmoving or try to get out by chewing on the bars. it scared me because i thought that by him doing that, he might get another limb stuck somewhere, somehow. that madr me decide to put him in the other cage with Jackie, with ledges close together and with a ramp.

thank you for reading this and thank you all in advance for any input, suggestions, and ideas. :)

(i typed this all on my phone so please forgive any spelling mistakes or repetitive text- it kept messing up a lot of my paragraphs. ><)
I am fairly new to chinchilla's but I have a few thoughts. How does his coat look? If it is in good shape it is probably fine to give him less but I would base it on how healthy the coat looks. Would it be possible to wipe his nose for him? Just with a dry tissue to take off the extra dust? Or maybe a cloth since mine seems to try and steal paper towel when I'm cleaning. I would also monitor for signs of irritation, watery eyes, sneezing. My guy doesn't seem to wipe his face after but he does shake. Good luck, I hope someone can think of other ways to assist.
You need to separate him from the female or you will have babies. I have had males with amputated legs breed females before. Even if he seems like he can't... he will! Other than that. Add long add he had one front paw he will be able to wipe dust from his nose. Dust baths shouldn't bother him.
My Blueberry is not missing a limb. However one of her front arms is pretty much useless. It seems like it was broken when she was a baby, and it healed in a crazy position, so she cannot use it very well. I dont really know what happened as it happened before I adopted her. She can not groom her rear very well, which leads to her getting small matts sometimes, and when she goes for her dust, she usually uses her good paw to wipe her nose, and if I notice she has missed any, I just wipe it for her. As for the matts she sometimes gets from not being able to groom herself, I just try and keep up on checking her out, and if I find a matt or anything I work on it a little bit every day until its loose and able to be pulled out. Dont know if this helps or not, but its how I deal.
He will get the dust off. Not all chins wipe the dust off their nose and if he wants to, he still has another paw. It obviously must not be bothering him enough to try. I would not cut down on his dust baths.
his coat looks great, actually, but only 'cause he's getting his baths twice a week. :)
also, i did end up separating them again, like the next day. i kept thinking that there COULD still be a chance for babies and any chance was too big. plus, i figured, an extra empty cage would have probably tempted me into looking at the possibility of getting another chinchilla, something that would have been incredibly irresponsible as we're not ready for another one. not yet anyway. maybe next year :p
i pretty much ended up not applying the new changes by the following day. what i did do, though, was place his ledges and such a bit closer together (and placing Jackie's a bit further apart again), just in case. ^-^