It depends on a bunch of factors..
1) How hard up are you for a job?
2) What caliber hotel is it?
3) What is their main market?
4) Regardless of any department, you will eventually have guest contact(positive and negative) and that takes a special type of personality. Do you have that?
5) Can you deal with human fluids.. of all kinds?
6) Can you deal with filth (not just mess)?
7) Can you deal with high stress?
8) If they give you 25 rooms to clean in one day, are you going to think it is a big task or a little one?
9) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
10) Work holidays? weekends? Overtime? Cut hours out of season?
I can go on and on..
If you have an IDK or no to ANY of those answers you will probably not want to waste your time or the manager's time.
In regards to pay, it can range from min. wage to MAYBE a couple dollars more. My housekeepers make $8/hr, with min wage being about $7.50ish.
Answering some of Melissa's questions.
1.) I took the job because as someone who was just starting out in the working work at 18, it was the only place willing to hire someone who had no previous jobs. I applied to so many places and nothing. Did I need a job, no. Did I want a job? Yes.
2.) The one I work for used to be a Holiday Inn, switched to Best Western, and is now under a private name.
3.) Main Market?!? I'm assuming this means like who stays there-ish. Travels, prison workers, drug reps, construction crewers, etc.
4.) You will for sure get to encounter the lovely guest, and the not so lovely. I'm not a big people person at all. In fact, I'm quite the smart...well you know the rest. But I've managed for 2 years just fine. I don't find it to be to hard.
5.) Human fluids...lord knows I've yet to see a man who could completely hit the toilet bowl. :laughitup:
6.) Some people can be down right messy in a short amount of time. One thing this line of work has taught me...NEVER underestimate the human race.
7.) It is very stressful. And people tend to think it isn't. They think its easy and should take you 5 minutes tops. This is usually when I bet them they couldn't clean that room to my bosses standards in 5 minutes even if they wished. No has ever taken me up on this...hum...would be fun to watch.
8.) 25 rooms...your feet will hurt but it could be worse. Try 53 in one day. I am the only housekeeper at the hotel that I work for. When we are super super busy, my boss has my sister come in to help. Mostly holiday weekends.
9.) As much as I love the people I work with (well, 5 of the 6 isn't bad), I really hope I'm working somewhere other than there. haha
10.)'ll come to hate them all and forget having plans for them. Weekends? What are those? I'm luckily to remember the day of the week. If my boss doesn't work a Monday, I'm SOL the rest of the week. I don't know what overtime is either... my boss never lets anyone go over 80 hours.
Hour cuts drastically for me during the winter. Like right now, it is getting slow. I had Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off. Worked 4.5 hours today. Might go back to work Saturday or Sunday...still pretty foggy. Which I'd say this depends on where you live and I live in the sticks. lol
Also, isn't minimum wage $7.25?!? Or am I lost and need to have a nice little chat with that boss of mine? This will be the one conversation that I can understand him because every other time I just say Huh or what until he wakes away and sends him son to tell me.
Which is his fault because in his head all females are stupid and do not know what they are talking about. His son however knows better.
P.S. In housekeeping, if my co-workers didn't have a sense of humor I would be absolutely insane by now. When I first start the bosses son would be in that building with me for 6 hours yet NEVER speak a single word. Not a Hi, Good Morning, Here are your keys....NOTHING. I finally started following him around and annoying the crap of out of him. Now it's nothing for him to talk with me for 30-45 minutes AFTER I've clocked in when we work together. Me and a few of my co-workers do the goofiest things...but we always do it so the guest don't see or know.
And you'll see some of the strangest things in housekeeping as well. I actually take a photo of some things that are funny.
My personal favorite, the lady who rented a room during the day. Didn't go in the room until 2am that morning with 3 grocery bags. Next morning we found a hair dryer cooked pizza and that she had PLEDGE'd (the furniture polish) the whole room. Dress, nightstand, tv, a/c, table, headboards, mirror frames, bathroom corner and the bathroom FLOOR. Over an hour of trying different things to get that stuff off the bathroom floor and it is still a little slick in a few spots.
I'm going to shut up now.