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You may have to push a bit harder to reach a little higher number than 45. I fed my smallest boy (502g at the time) about 90-100ml a day, which maintained his weight. I think Oxbow is a bit off on their calculations.
Jasmine ate some CC mash from a spoon coercion necessary. And then she ate some pellet mash from a spoon too....followed by a few strands of hay that I handed to her: she sucked it up like spaghetti lol!

So I'm thinking that she's feeling better, and that maybe the worst of it is over *fingers crossed*

I'm still feeding the CC via a syringe every three-four hours, but seeing her eat voluntarily was such a huge relief.

She's currently dozing on the heat-safe pad, dangling her head over the side. So cute!!
Just an update...Jasmine won't eat on her own today, which is such a shame.
She's in a real grump, bless her, I think the healing wound must be itching and sore :(
My partner tried to take over the syringe-feeding so that I could go to work, but Jasmine bit him several times and kept trying to spray him...OMG that must have hurt her (not to mention poor Grant's hand).
It was just too much for the both of I've had to take unpaid leave, and thankfully my boss has been really good about it. I was scared to ask, having just started a new contract and project and all. I am really really lucky to have such an understanding employer.

Jasmine has just taken 6mls of CC and is now settling down for a snooze. I'm on the couch nursing a hot chocolate and keeping a close eye on her.
poor wee Jasmine....
Awwww, bless her. Do you take the cone off to give her a break? I don't know about chins with conees, but some rats can get extremely depressed when they're put into a cone. It stops them from being able to groom, which makes them feel horrible.
I'm kinda scared to take it off at the moment....I remember when Poppy had her surgery, the very moment we removed the cone-collar she dug a hole in her wound, it took her literally 2 seconds to do it.
I thought maybe in a day or two I'd try taking it off for Jasmine...after all its only been like 4 days since her surgery. Its obvious the poor girl feels bad with it on, but I'm terrified she'd really do some damage at this early stage...
Is she on any pain relief?
If not she may well need some for a few days.
yes Jasmine's on Metacam, 0.15ml twice a day.

Poppy had the same pain relief prescription after her surgery too.
I'm getting more worried about Jasmine. Her poops are getting very small and there's definitely less of them. I'm terrified she's going to go into stasis...
She's fighting me more with every feeding as well, and I'm getting less into her. She wriggles out of the burrito....I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here.
She's taking the odd strand of hay, but certainly not enough, and refuses to eat off a spoon. Can anyone suggest anything to stimulate her appetite?
Is there anyone that can hold her for you? We had the easiest time and got the most into Chilli when hubby held him slightly on his back, cradled like a baby, with a firm grip on the tail. Also, I know that baking it kills the probiotics, so dust with probiotics after baking, but Chilli really went for the CC cookies that I did- mixed a regular batch of CC with a bit of pumpkin and apple juice- like 1 tsp out of 6 tbsp of water and put it in the syringe. I made little drops and then flattened them and baked a 350 for 8 minutes- or until done.
That took some of the stress of feeding him out of the equation. I portioned out how much he was supposed to get and gave it to him in his food dish.
when i was first handfeeding richie he fought me tooth & nail! i had to be persistant and find the right mix of food, the consistancy he liked, the perfect position! i found that putting 2 pillows behind my back and putting my foot up like meanie said works best. i use a hand towel to wrap him not one of the huge bath towels. he likes when his feet rest on me, it gives him control. i can send you some pix of the position I use if you wan to PM me. I have been handfeeding him for 6 months now and sometimes he still gets squirmy. to maintain his weight which fluctuates between 630 & 660, i feed him between 90 & 150 cc's every day (so 30 to 50 at each feeding and 3 feedings a day.
another thing you can try is something my vet recommended.........puffed pellets.

Use whatever pellets you are currently using, put in a strainer, run hot water over the pellets until wet and drain. spread on a baking dish with a little bit of black strap molasses and bake in the oven at 250 degrees for about 35 minutes. let cool and store in ziplock bag.

one other thing i did, was i mixed up the critical care and syringed little circles on tinfoil and baked them until hard. after cooled i offerd them to the chins and they really liked them. they were a little softer than some other types of cookies and they were good for him.
i hope jasmine makes a full & speedy recovery.
By baking the CC you are killing off most of the good stuff. If you have to make CC cookies, you can simply spread it thinly on a piece of tin foil or wax paper and let it air dry.
actually come to think of it, that is what i did, because you mentioned that before. i think i just let them set at room temperature on the tin foil and when hard peeled them off.
it was just the pellets i baked.
thanks, the puffed pellets and CC cookies are a good idea, though the main problem here is Jasmine not being able to use her paws to eat them. Ive been trying to hold pellets and hay etc for her, but she gets extremely frustrated (understandable really) and gives up after only a bite or two.

I think we're gonna have a shot at removing the collar for a short while tomorrow, whilst keeping a VERY close eye on her.

Wow...until right now I never truly appreciated how lucky I was that Poppy ate voluntarily off a spoon after her surgery....
Having been in the same situation several times with chins post spay I empathise. It's not easy when they are struggling to eat.
If she is not eating and pooping properly then you may need to consider gut stimulants as well as allowing her some supervised time with the collar off. She may need increased fluids too.
When you take the collar off try scattering healthy, high fibre foods around her cage so she come across it and she can forage - mini shredded wheat in small pieces, little snippets of apple wood, alfalfa, a few oats sprinkled here and there etc - if you can stimulate the foraging instinct then she may eat a bit better and not bother with her scar line.
okay, so we went back to the vets today for Jasmine's post-spay check.

Jeeez I dunno where to start.... Jasmine's uterus was sent away for analysis and the pathology reports are in. She DIDNT have inflammation of the womb lining or sign of diseased tissue. Cue lots of swearing and a bout of tears from me.

Worse again, the discharge is STILL HAPPENING. WTF????

So the vet took another swab of the stuff, did another gram stain, and what do you know....more Staph bacteria.
The vet seems at a loss, and that is scary as heck given that he's the only exotic specialist in Auckland with any chin experience. He suggests it could be "vaginitis", which I gather is a vaginal infection rather than a womb infection. Thing is though, three days of Trisul, followed by a weeks worth of doxycycline hasnt worked.
Jasmine is now been prescribed Marbofloxacin, to begin taking tomorrow. I cant find it on the safe antibiotic list, though the vet did say it is chemically similar to baytril. To be honest Im unsure why he didnt just prescribe baytril. I shouldve asked, I know, but Ive had so little sleep over the past week that it just didnt occur to me to wonder.
She has to take this new antibiotic for another week, then have a follow up appt for another gram stain test.

I feel sick knowing she's gone through a spay and the problem hasnt been resolved. The only comfort I have though is that all her symptoms were identical to Poppy's pyometra, and there was simply no way of being sure without doing the surgery. Had it been pyometra and we'd delayed a decision, then Jasmine could have died. I still feel like crap though.

The only good news really is that her collar is off and so far she's not really bothering the wound too much. She's too busy grooming herself and filling up on hay....which is great to see. She currently next to me on the sofa in her travel cage so as I can watch and be sure she's not nipping at the wound. questions would be:

1. Has anyone heard of this "vaginitis", and if so, could you please fill me in on what to expect....?
2. Is Marbofloxacin safe?

thanks guys. And now, despite the fact that its only lunch time, Im gonna go have me a stiff drink (just the one though).