Pumpkin as Treat?

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Oct 27, 2011
Los Angeles
I've been reading through old threads like a book. Many have mentioned pure pumpkin puree as a dietary aid to mix with crushed pellets and also homemade pumpkin cookie treats.

Tis the season for pumpkin pie making and I was curious if my chins would enjoy about half a teaspoon of plain pumpkin puree, straight from the can, as a treat the next time I bake?

Thanks! :high5:
I don't know what other people will say, but I wouldn't give it to them because the chins really don't need it. When people feed pumpkin or other soft food it's because the chin needs something like that because it can't eat regular food, it isn't because the chins like it necessarily. It's always best to stick with pellets and hay as much as you can...skipping the treat isn't a bad thing.

I do wonder what other people will say about it. My opinion is to not give it out, but I tend to give out very few treats of any type here. Sometimes something like that could cause diarrhea because it is just so different from what the chinchilla is used to eating and it isn't worth the risk to try it.
Welll I know its high in fiber and gets things moving so if you have any chins who get soft poo easily I would avoid giving it to them. My chins don't like it ...I. wish! Easy treat that would be. Instead they have me ordering the expensive stuff!
I've only given pumpkin to my chin once and it was when he was having some digestive issues. Honestly he didn't even like it, I had mixed some probiotic in and syringe fed it because he wasn't eating very much. I wouldn't suggest it as a regular treat.
Your best treat is a apple stick, lasts longer. When handfeeding a chin there are things added that the chin would not get otherwise but we are talking food or die so that is why you will see things like squash, pumpkin, dyne, molasses, etc being given.
One time I gave one of my girls a pumpkin seed and the next day she developed GI Stasis and a URI. I don't know it had anything to do with that pumpkin seed, but I sure will never EVER give her another one. For the next month I had to give her meds and try to get her to eat. I had heard about the pumpkin puree too and tried to give her some when she wasn't eating, but she wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft pole.

I'm just relaying my experience so hopefully someone else won't have the same experience. Definitely not worth it when there are so many other treats that they love.