Pulling hair out..

  • Thread starter squeakychipmunks
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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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My two males have just recently started to get nasty with one another. I have actually thought about getting their manlihood removed just so that I can keep them in the same cage, since they are brothers, but I'm not really sure what to do.... My female has just recently started her heat cycle, and I think the boys may be triggered from this....

Any suggestions?!?!
Take them out of the cage they will hurt eachother
Neutering them wont have too much affect its not really like cats and dogs
Id say separate them till shes done than try again
Once they reach maturity being brother's has little to do with the desire to be the top chin. This is dramatically increased by having a female in heat near them. I would separate immediatly and then wait for advice from someone who knows more than I do.
Seperate them now. If two males are together near a female in heat, they can and will attempt to kill each other. To them, they just want to get to the female, it doesn't matter that they are brothers. I've had experience with this and it can tear any males apart so seperate them now before either of them gets seriously injured.
The thing is males can live just fine in a room with females I have 2 cages of just males in my breeding room. But if they start to fight they need to be separated. Chinchillas will fight to the death