Preserving a recently deceased chin

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Turlock, CA
I just came home to find one of my rescues dead in her tube. Since i've had 2 other deaths since January I would like to get a necropsy done. The vet that sees chins doesn't open until tomorrow morning and I was wondering what to do with her body until then. Freezer? Refrigerator?
I would put in zip-lock and mash all the air out and then put in fridge. If you use paper the body fluids could leak in fridge. Don't freeze it will damage the tissues and may alter the results and the fridge will slow down decomp. Yuck I know it is gross. I am so sorry to hear about you looses. Hope you figure out what is going wrong.
wrap in newspaper, then baggie and refridgerate. keep in mind though tissue starts to break down immediatly. take some of her freshest feces with you and samples from others as well. I am very sorry
How critical is the newspaper? I just ziplocked, and wrapped in a plastic bag. I was just coming back on to ask about fecal samples and saw your post.
I'm a taxidermist-in-training and I've had to freeze several specimens (not chins mind you!) for later use... This is the method I use, however terrible it may sound:

I suggest wrapping in several layers of paper towels, it'll absorb any fluid leakage. Rip a basic small garbage bag at the seams and wrap it around the body, this'll prevent freezer burn. Then put in a zip-lock baggie making sure to remove as much air as you can.
If it was for any length of period longer than a day, I would suggest freezing. I've frozen several squirrels this way and they've shown no obvious organ/tissue damage, but on a molecular level, I'm not entirely sure it destroyed any bacteria --- good or bad.

Wrapping the animal in either newspaper or paper towels is incredibly important as it protects the body from external factors/damage.

Good luck finding some some answers and I'm very sorry for your losses.