Tonight has been such a bittersweet experience. I went with my mom & another family member to see my cousin. She is getting better by leaps & bounds, I cant honestly believe it. Shes come SO far, yet has such an incredible journey ahead of her. She leaves tomorrow to be transported to chicago for her therapy. They are going to start her on 3 hour therapy for now, give or take what she CAN take.
I debated with myself ALL day long if i was honestly going to go or not.(really been debating for three weeks to go) I want sure if i was ready to see that & or if she would want me there. I decided i needed to and with her leaving for chicago, i wasnt sure how often i'd get a chance to see her.
I went, im pretty happy with my choice, although i do have a weird happy/sad feeling running through me.
On one hand, she is so incredibly lucky to be alive, but on the other, i see how far she has to go and how helpless this has made her. We dont care if this is what we get, shes there, but we really crave for her to regain everything & we arent sure what she will retain & how long this battle will be. The not knowing is the hardest. Its not going to be easy to relearn everything you once knew.. and as the docs said sometimes it changes who they are. They also said it could be another 6 months before the brain totally repairs that bleed, which means she wont regain those nerve endings until then if she will. Its all so confusing & something i wont ever be able to understand. She was a gym teacher for goodness sake, healthy, caring, you name it.
Im happy i went, because she does seem a lot better than i had visioned, granted, its still no walk in the park. She didnt ended up getting the trake, so that in itself is great news & less room for infection to happen!
She was very happy when we got there, she had just woken up. She smiled a half a smile & raised her eye browse when excited. She loves my mom, so anything she said was great. I will admit i found it hard to talk to her, but eventually did. I just wasnt sure what to say or how to say it. I dont want her to feel spoken down to. I dont really know how to explain. My mom & other cousin could like it was nothing, then again they have seen her through all the stages, so perhaps its easier with time.
Her husband took their kids up to see her tonight as it will be hard to get them back & forth to chicago for a few ours very often. She & the kids did well with it, i wasnt there though of course. She was all smiles & the kids were pleased from what i hear.
Its so weird how there she is, yet, isnt. I dont know how to explain.
Im sure tonight as im trying to go to sleep i will cry, but deep down, im still happy i went. It was the right thing.
Sorry if this is jumbled, i have a lot running through my mind.