Potty training Chins?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
I've read that it's possible to train chins to pee in one place in their cage.

Do you guys have any tips/tricks on this? What do you use as the "litter box"?

I just changed to fleece for bedding (they seem to love it! Just check the picture below, I've never seen Pikachu sleeping like that), but I want to see if I can train them to pee in just one place, so that I can keep their cage as clean and dry as possible.

So far I've put plenty of aspen shavings in the places they used to pee on the most, but I don't know if that's going to work as I hope.

Thanks so much!


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I use a metal brownie pan that's about 2" deep filled with shavings. I put in some peed-on shavings and hope that does the trick. For some chins it works, others not so much. Some learn through monkey-see monkey-do, if there's a potty trained chin in the cage... others not so much. Just depends on the chin.
I use a metal baking pan and have filled it with soiled bedding. I put it my chin's favorite pee corner, and blocked any other available pee spots with objects. She still has the occasional accident, but for the most part, she took to her litter pan right away.
i gave up on potty training my chins.
the took to it imeadiatly always peeing there.
though then they decided flipping the litter bin would be fun.
no matter what containor i used metal wood ect. theyed somehow dump out the wood chips or litter all over the place.
so i switched to fleece liners and they still pee in the same spot i juts have to change the liner every other day.
I have some that will go everywhere but their litter pans and some that use them almost all the time, I just don't understand, wish you luck.
Question for all y'all:

Is potty training only for a spot for them to pee? Or can you use it for poo as well?
There's no way to pottytrain a chin as far as poo goes. They will poo wherever they happen to be. They can't really control it. A sign of a healthy chin is tons of poos... if they're hopping about during playtime and aren't leaving some signs they've been there.. something might be up. Training even with pee is hit or miss. Some chins take to it and some don't. I've had a bit of success with my girls who are only 10 weeks old. They don't pee in their hammock, tube, fleece house, and do pee in the litter pan. However, they pee some on the fleece liners as well. Which in my case is to be expected with young chins. I'm just happy they don't pee in their fleece toys as that would mean washing them a ton.
I would say try to find the place your chin pees most often and put a pan or bowl in that spot with the shavings in there. Put some of the soiled shavings in and see what happens! That's all you can really do. Like others have already said they either will take to it or they won't.

I was a bit lucky with my chin. From the moment I had him he decided he would go in the bowl I wanted him to use. However at times he will also pee on anything made out of fleece that he doesn't sleep on. I'm just glad he never pees on the wooden ledges! He even runs back to the cage to use the potty when he's out running loose in the room sometimes. It's quite the funny sight!

Good luck with potty training. :)
Yea it just depends. The soiled shavings is a huge part of it. If you dont put those in the chin will just think its a comfy new place to sit! Ernie was super easy after I put his new pee-pee pan in there he immediatly took to it. In the week or two he has had it he has had no more accidents in the cage or on the sheet I put behind his cage to keep him from staining the walls. If he has to go pee while he is out he runs back to his cage to do his buisness. <3 Its really a matter of luck and whether or not they are willing to do it. Ernie is a neat freak so i think that may be part of it...but I also make sure I change out the pan everyday or atleast every other day! That way it wont get too dirty for them...

Good luck~ I hope you can do it. it really makes everything so much easier.
I went with a glass pyrex pan. It's too heavy for a chin to flip. My girls are just babies still so I didn't have high hopes. I just picked a spot and put the pan in there with shavings. They had shavings in the whole cage for about two days while I waited on their fleece liners to arrive. I put soiled bedding in there and crossed my fingers. When I switched to fleece I just kept the pan and I would clean it out except for a small amount of soiled bedding. I did this for a few days then stopped. At that point I dumped the whole pan but didn't clean the pan. Sunday was the first time I cleaned the pan since I got them and they are still using it nicely. I really didn't expect them to take to it since they are so young but they have. They go almost exclusively in the pan. There are a few spots they occasionally go, mostly near the pan, but they do very well especially considering they are only 10 weeks old. Today I watched one of them "miss" as she sat on the edge of the pan and attempted to pee into it... however her butt was sticking out the back and she peed on the liner. It's not a big deal as my liner is layered and it never gets to the pan. I spot clean daily/dump the litter pan and change my liners twice a week. We'll see how they do once I open up the second level. They're not quite old enough for it.
I used this glass brownie-type dish. I first had to figure out where my chin was peeing at the most frequently (which corner) then I would scoop up some of the already soiled shavings and place them in the dish with some fresh shavings. The dish would go in the corner where my chinchilla liked to pee at and this method seemed to work for all 3 of my chinchillas. Once and a while I notice they pee outside their dishes, but its not too often that this happens. I think they would just get lazy and not want to hop up into the dish to go pee, lol.