Possible UTI?

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Ok, I washed him off and it did get a large amount of urine out of the fur. I then noticed several mats that I was able to cut off with the help of my husband. Within 30 seconds he had a drip of urine come out, so it's definitely something that's happening often.
Poor lad - hopefully you can monitor him and give more specific info to your vet which will help with diagnosis. Also his skin will be a little cleaner now rather than be damp with urine.
Keep an eye on him so that he does actually pee by himself and not just lazy dribbles - again, the more specific info you can give the vet the better - does he pee straight like other chins? Does he do little and often or not at all because he dribbles? Or does he pee loads?
Does it smell? If so what of? fishy? (often a sign of infection) sweet? (often a sign of diabetes).
Does he drink a lot?

Can you catch a sample so that you have it ready for the vet tomorrow? It will need to go in the fridge over night unless you can get one first thing in the morning (fresh is always better TBH) so that they can test it.

*fingers crossed*
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Debbie (Azure Chinchillas) is a member here and on CHINformative if you want to try PMing her for more info, Essentia?

Reading that link made me incredibly sad...knowing he eventually had to be put to sleep. I am severely hoping it is an infection that can be cured. I am going to message her to get some more information.
that can't be good. one of my chinnies had a UTI once. he would back up into a courner of his cage to pee and was visibly bearing down to pee. that and was peeing extra dark and when he peed on the white tile of the bathroom floor i saw it had red in it. good luck at the vet's. keep us updated.
I can definitely see how she thought that, this would be an easy problem to miss or think it was just a dirty chin. The problem probably got worse from the stress of the long trip. He'll be alright, I'd get him on the antibiotics to start treating the problem. :)
And that much I completely understand, but just picking him up and examining him I saw he was leaking urine. I don't necessarily blame her, it just sucks.
Because he is young and has always been with daddy (since being weened), do you recommend I bring daddy with him to the vet? I don't want to stress out daddy (though he is pretty laid back), but I don't want the baby to be more scared without him either.
I'd bring him along just so that he could keep his boy a little calmer for the ride to and from the vet's office. He'll be alright. I often take cage mates or babies to the vet with a chin that has a problem because they seem to comfort each other and stay calmer and less stressed.
Just got back from the vet. He took an xray to see if he had a full bladder, or gas in his tummy (he felt hardness but couldn't figure out which it was). He does have a full bladder. :( He said he believes it is a congenital defect, but we started him on sulfa meds for two weeks to see if it happens to just be a UTI.

He was a very good boy for the vet until the end, then he got one good bite in. The vet said he was nice and spunky. :p
Awwww.... poor (but spunky) boy!

Didn't the breeder say that this is a new condition for him? Fingers crossed for UTI not permanent issue! Does he seem to be in pain or does it not really bother him?

And is this a new permanent addition or a rescue? Either way......

Him and his father are permanent additions. The breeder told me that he had a yellow bottom but she thought it just came from him sitting in his urine. She said he had been like this for at least a few weeks. When I washed his bottom I saw that he was leaking urine, not sitting in it. He doesn't seem to be in pain. He's eating well, and the poos just keep on coming. :p
Well, that's a good sign! I suppose if it is a permanent condition, he's gotten used to it by now. And if not, hopefully it'll be cleared up soon! He's in good hands. I need to hurry up and finish off the PANR I've got so I have an excuse to come meet them. ;)