My Poppy had pyometra, but when two weeks of baytril followed by trisul (trimetheprim sulfate- the pink stuff) failed to clear it, she had an emergency spay. I guess it just depends on how soon you catch it.
My Jasmine also had pyometra-like symptoms and we tried baytril with no results, but after a spay the pathology on the excised womb tissue revealed she did not have pyometra...instead she had vaginitis, as indicated when the discharge recurred despite the spay. Two weeks of marbofloxacin finally got rid of it.
What did I learn from all this? If it is pyometra, then you need to find out what the causative bacteria is. The vet should do a gram stain, and also take swabs which will be sent away for culturing and testing. Baytril will keep the infection level down while these tests are being done, but it may or may not clear the infection completely. Once the culture results are in, then your vet can decide which antibiotic would hit the specific bacteria the hardest.
If it seems your girl needs a spay in the end, it will be a tough time, but you CAN get through it. It took me a long time to forgive myself for putting Jasmine through a spay, but I remind myself that with the information available I made the best decision I could. That's all any loving owner can do really.
I wish you and your girl all the best in the world, and hope you manage to get to a good vet soon.
Here's Jasmine's story, just for reference...