Possible mallocclusion.. What to do til the vet appt???

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Rip little guy. I'm sorry for your loss. I thought about this thread all day today and wondered if he made it. My heart sank when i seen he didn't. :( sooo sorry
Just wanted to come back and say thanks to everyone for their condolences.
Todays easier than yesterday but still Im gonna really really miss my little girl.
It sucks that sometimes these learning lessons have to be so hard but hopefully in the future now Ill completely avoid this situation..

Ive got a couple regrets but really its too late to dwell on that.
I ended up taking her to the emergency clinic anyways as opposed to waiting for her regular dr. I shouldve just gotten off my butt and took her in there thursday or friday night and its possible we couldve gotten to it in time. I really wish I wouldve noted in my original posts that she was doing a wierd stretching and somebody couldve told me right away 'Shes getting bloat do this NOW...' But I keep picturing her in my head running like crazy in her wheel just last wednesday and then seeing her so lethargic and in pain on sunday and I know now shes in a much better place. Just wish I couldve done more for her. :(

I also wish I wouldve taken her with me. I was really distraught and out of it when it hit me I had to make the decision to put her to sleep and I let them dispose of her. I shouldve taken her with me when it was all over and laid her to rest somewhere I could go keep visiting her.
Im going to call the clinic tonight when they open at 6pm but Im guessing that two days later I probably wont be able to go back in and pick her up before they dispose of her remains.. Id love to have her close just to say hello whenever I need to and like an idiot I shouldnt have changed my mind and said 'No you take care of this please'.. My phone had died while I was at the vet so I couldnt even tell my girlfriend what I had to do until I got home afterwards and walked right in the house and started crying. She wouldve liked to have said goodbye. Necro was the first one that welcomed my girlfriend to the 'family' and was getting to be her best little friend..
Its worth a shot but Im not holding my breath.

Thanks again everyone. The comments here and at chins-n-friends made me feel alot better about making the right decision. Painful, but at least my little Necro isnt hurting anymore.
I'm sure you made the right decision and did everything you could have done with the information you had. To look back at it and second guess everything is not going to allow you to close the wound.

Personally I wouldn't go back to the hospital for the remains, you have already started the grieving process and forming a new connection will just set you back. Know that the staff will use utmost respect and care and hopefully in time you will be able to have moved on fully.

Again, so sorry for your loss and I am glad to hear you are doing better. Don't beat yourself up, death is a part of life. :)
I'm really sorry for your loss :grouphug:
Unfortunately my chinchilla died today. She was 6 months old and she had the same symptoms as yours. The only difference is that mine was eating well and drinking water till yesterday.
I am still trying to figure out why did it happen. I was only feeding her chinchilla approved pellets (that I have researched are appropriate for their sensitive digestive system), I changed her cage every couple of days, cleaned very well her water bottle, I have put sawdust on the bottom of her cage, bought her a wooden home, wooden toys to chew. She didn't show any sign that she had any kind of problem, she was eating normally, her poops were normal, she was running all over the room, climbing on my pillows, she was taking dust baths, chewing her wooden toys.
I am really sad, because I got very close to this small animal. Till yesterday she was doing well and today she had the symptoms that you described above (she climbed on my hand, stood still and didn't want to eat or drink anything, she didn't want to run as she always did when she was let out of her cage).
It was very painful to watch her trying to breath and not being able to help her.
Here in Greece it is very difficult to find a vet available on Sundays, so I had to wait until tomorrow Monday. Unfortunately this seemed to be too late for my little one. I hope she may rest in peace
Man Im sorry to hear that.. I learned from this that bloat is not something to be taken lightly. That first night I noticed mine wasnt eating, she was still pretty active and was running amok on the couch with us.. But it was mentioned here that it can kick in pretty quick and yep, the very next day the poor girl was in her lethargic state already.

You sound like you took very good care of her. With the exception of raisins (funny about a month ago I did my once every now and then swap of treats from shredded wheat to raisins too), mine was done pretty strictly 'by the book' and it still happened. You never know she may have randomly come across something on the floor close enough to her cage that she decided to nibble on and got stuck.

RIP to all our fallen little ones.
I can't believe how quickly bloat can lead to death in our chins - it's a very scary thought and it seems like you can do everything right, only to still lose out in the end. I'm so sorry that you lost Necro, it is never easy to let go but it sounds like you did what was best for her.