Poo keeps getting softer

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Sounds like he might be marking his territory by peeing on everything. Every time I bring a new chin into the chin room everyone goes crazy for a while and they pee on their stuff and the pairs bicker and chase each other. This last time when I brought in the two rescue boys all heck broke loose in my chin room and my pairs were really acting up and I thought my goodness my chin room is in chaos. Took about two months for everyone to settle down but in the end I did have to separate the two rescue guys. For this reason I am not bringing in anymore chins for a LONG time b/c it really stressed everyone out myself included.
Ash, the thread is brand new so if he did pull the pellets do you think that an hour or so would make much difference in the poo problem? I'm asking b/c I actually don't know but would like to know. I've only ever had two soft poop problems, one was with the feed switch and one was with giving shredded wheat for the first time.
Yea I didnt see ashes post before but i pulled the food and all of maybe a half hour later i decided id check his normal hang out spots and i found some normal hard poo
I didn't pay attention to how old or new the thread was, honestly. But with as fast as food goes through them? Who knows, it might have made a difference, it might not have. If you put the food back and his poos go mushy again, it COULD be a food issue. If they stay firm, then probably stress.